Re: Is EXPath File Module compatible with XSLT 1, XSLT 2 or XSLT 3 ? (Was: EXPath, Proposed File Module)

Fair enough..... I'm not sure about the XQuery side (not something I've 
used, save in running the tests for File ;-) ) but Binary works 
XSLT2.0+, i.e. also on XSLT3.0. Probably worth making (undiffed) changes 
pretty soon, when Florent agrees.

Things are going to get worse when we tackle the issue of maps and the 
Archive module.

On 12/12/2013 15:16, Christian Grün wrote:
>> My point here is that you say something in the introduction about XSLT
>> **2.0** and you are referencing XSLT **3.0**
>> My question is : this EXPath module is compatible with what ?
>> XSLT 1.0
>> XSLT 2.0
>> XSLT 3.0
>> XQuery 1.0
>> XQuery 3.0
>> XForms 1.0
>> XForms 1.1
>> XProc 1.0
> We may need to clarify this for the File and the Binary Module; both
> modules reference F&O 3.0 and reference XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0, as
> well as any other XPath 2.0 in the introduction. @Jirka, @John,
> @Florent: what do you think?

*John Lumley* MA PhD CEng FIEE <>
on behalf of Saxonica Ltd

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:26:07 UTC