Re: New draft of EXPath binary module

Hi Florent,

thanks for your feedback.

>> – have you thought about letting the bit functions operate on
>> octets (xs:integer*) instead of base64?
>   We already discussed this.  I did not look into the archive,
> but as far as I can remember, I think the outcome was that you
> can't have a sequence of 2 binaries in that case, because we
> can't have sequences of sequences (e.g. a function could not
> return 2 binary items).  Using xs:base64Binary (for instance)
> does not have this problem.

I’m not sure what you mean here, as all binary operators function
expect single xs:base64Binary arguments and return a single
xs:base64Binary item (except for the bin:shift function, which also
allows an empty sequence in the current draft).. Could you give me a
little example that demonstrates the problem?


Received on Saturday, 3 August 2013 14:55:46 UTC