Re: Test Suite

Dear Florent,

>  Regarding using the FOTS, I'd like to clarify two points first: 1/
> is the FOTS publicly available and is it allowed to use the format
> publicly?, and 2/ do all the implementations provide (or at least are
> ready to provide) their test harnesses in order to allow other people
> to run FOTS-based test suites on their product.

Those are good questions. Yes, the test suite is public [1], and
retrievable via CVS. I don't think we will run into problems if we
redesign it for EXPath (to get sure, Michael H. Kay can give you
better feedback, as he has developed most of the framework).

Next, I'm glad to report that the FOTS (aka qt3ts) driver
implementation of BaseX is completely open source [2], and part of our
public tests repository. Some time ago, we even started a pure XQuery
driver implementation of fots [3]. If some of you are interested in
writing new drivers.. Feel free to start off with those
implementations! I remember that John Snelson once took a closer look
at the XQuery driver, so it might be worth asking him if he did some
more development on that.

I completely agree that, from a user point of view, it would be great
to have access to all available test suites.



Received on Sunday, 13 May 2012 21:31:09 UTC