Re[2]: XHTML 2.0 and Semantics

Mr. Nixon wrote:
> To have someone,
> particularly a person representing the W3C actually post references to 
> Mr. Pilgrims emotional screed and further spread the noise is 
> inappropriate in the extreme.

I've been fairly quiet on this list and don't wish to appear
disrespectful in the least, but it would seem to me that the
sentiments expressed in that online rant (profanity aside) would
be /very/ relevant to a list such as this, whose charter includes

> A place to discuss about web standards Education and Outreach
> with web standards evangelists, authors of books, articles or
> other resources on web standards.

After all, these attitudes may very well represent some of the
things we're trying to overcome by evangelising standards, i.e.
"what's in it for me"?

The post clearly states frustration with the amount of work it
takes to embrace the concept of semantic markup and adhering to
standards (when moving from a non-semantic and non-standards
environment), while getting little discernible payoff in the
"here and now" - sort of like whistling in the dark to make
yourself feel better.

While I may not agree with the rant 100%, it's not the first time
I've heard such a thing, and posts like this may make this
feeling more widespread. Maybe we could turn this into a
discussion on how to combat it and thereby help with the goal of
helping to educate others on the importance of standards?

Angie McKaig

Received on Monday, 13 January 2003 17:31:56 UTC