RE: Web Standards Evangelist Related Blogs?

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From:
>  []On Behalf Of Tristan Nitot
>  Sent: April 25, 2003 9:30 AM
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: Web Standards Evangelist Related Blogs?

>  >Seems to me, I read your blog in English, too Tristan.  Several times.
>  >Any of these are readable via a babelfish translation, though the
>  >automated translation process leaves a bit to be desired. Sometimes the
>  >translations are a bit humorous, though.

Funny this should be mentionned because no later than last night I was
having a chat with some friends and I was expressing the idea of generating
transllation of the content I produce on the fly using some service
available on the Web. To my understanding, these srervices were actually
very poor and did a bad job at best... Am I wrong ? have these been
tremendously improved over time ?

As I plan on making my writings more easily available to english speaking
folks (ie, translated), I am wondering if babelfish would happen to be the
best service out there at the moment. Any ideas on the subject ?

As I update my site a few times daily on the subject of web standards and
all related stuff (information architecture, browsers and web design), i
need something that can be relied upon so i can remain cinfident that what i
say preserves it's meaning once translated (at least partially).

Thanks for the feedback :)

Denis Boudreau
Défenseur des standards Web || Architecte d'information - VDM - W3Qc - OpenWebGroup
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"Faites beaucoup de alt, surtout lors des longs trajets. (Sam Latchman)"

Received on Friday, 25 April 2003 09:57:43 UTC