Re: SWAD Europe Marketing

At 11:17 AM 11/29/02 +0000, Libby Miller wrote:
>I rather like these:

Before I read this, I was thinking of something that could also illustrate 
the utility of RDF.

I think this tangle toy probably has a number of topological states that:
(a) could be identified using URIs
(b) their relationships could be described using RDF, e.g. in terms of 
loop-twists or some suchlike maneouvre
(c) sequences of operations to change from one state to another might be 
derived using a standard RDF tool like cwm or Euler.

Do we have a mathematician of sufficient skill to work out the details?


Another thought I had along similar lines was one of those tile puzzles, 
where you "move the hole around" to obtain some well-ordered arrangement of 
tiles.  (e.g. the RDF-logo?)  Again, linked to RDF descriptions of the 
states and solvable using standard off-the-shelf (or off-the-web) RDF tools.


Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 10:43:01 UTC