Re: TGN place types (broader/narrower spanning ConceptSchemes)

On 01/04/2014 22:07, Vladimir Alexiev wrote:
> Hi folks, thanks for the substantial comments!!
> But the discussion strayed quite far from my original question.
> Please give me more specific answers to my question...
> ----------------------
> ------------------------
> Oreste Signore> This represents the present status
>> tgn:7018759-concept a skos:Concept; # "Sofiya-Grad";
>>  gvp:broaderPartitive tgn:7006413-concept. # Bulgaria
>> What about Crimea today or one month ago? (just to recall very recent events).
>> In other words, we are loosing the "time dimension"
> We are not. 
> Hierarchical relations in TGN (just like in AAT) carry historic information, which is attached with rdf:Statement.
> See, sec 2.14 and 2.14.2
> It's not a fully-fledged account of historic names like I've seen in Pleiades/Pelagios, but such account is not in scope of TGN.

Very interesting document, I will make reference to gvp ontology in the
future !
It is much more complete than the previous one.
I also like the use of RDF Reification
Let me just see if this representation can ease connecting changes
(names, boundary, administrative status, etc.) to Events.

Finally, we can agree that TGN is just representing place names, and
their PlaceTypes can be the actual one and the past ones. (<PlaceType>
and <PreviousPlaceType>, with a subClass hierarchy). Or perhaps
<CurrentPlaceType> and <PastPlaceType> as subClass of <PlaceType>?
This simple distinction could help in avoiding recalling false
PlaceTypes if the reader is interested just in the present, and have a
full list if (s)he don't care about conflicting info (a PlaceType can
get different values during the centuries).
Maybe a too simple way out, but otherwise I suppose we have to take into
account the time dependent info in e very accurate way, and we will need
an ontology which makes reference to the SKOS TGN.

(my 1eurocent contribution)

Thanks to all for contributing to the discussion about time ontologies
and time-dependent info in ontologies.

>> the paper:
>> the slides:
> Thanks, I'll read them.
> But my question was about Place Types (which also are time-dependent), not super-places.
> ------------------------

dott. Oreste Signore
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Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 11:32:51 UTC