Re: TGN place types (broader/narrower spanning ConceptSchemes)

On 30/03/14 11:15, Christophe Dupriez wrote:

> In this precise case, I would model whatever is needed using the most
> suitable vocabularies available if any.
> And I would add (automatically if possible) SKOS relations to guide the
> documentary retrieval engine.
> I.e. I would model without constraints something ontologically "rock
> solid" and then derive a "publishing" structure using SKOS.

+1 for this approach from me too.

This is what we are doing with the Finnish Spatio-Temporal Ontology SAPO 
[1]. The ontology itself is modelled using OWL, and has two main 
classes, time-bound places (similar in spirit to "Crimea after Russian 
annexation in 2014") and time-independent places (e.g. "Crimea", 
"Ukraine"). The relations between time-independent and time-dependent 
places are modelled separately - the current idea is to use the CHANGE 
vocabulary [2] to model the events (establishment, merge, split etc) 
that form the time series, but other representations for the 
representation including a simple part-of/includes property have been 
used in the past.

For publishing purposes, a SKOS representation is derived, simply by 
defining rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf relationships that map 
the classes and properties of the ontology to a simplified SKOS view. 
The conversion itself is implemented using the Skosify tool [3]. Of 
course, SPARQL construct queries could have been used here as well, 
though Skosify does some additional validation and enrichment on the 
conversion result.





Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 06:07:32 UTC