RE: how to: ordered collection of a Concept

Hi Vladimir,

The usage of unlabeled (i.e. anonymous) ThesaurusArray is perfect as per your example.
If allowed I'ld love to take your example in future documentation of the iso-25964 documentation.

[+1 for the plantUML :-) ]

Notes on the current state of the iso-25964 schema and its documentation.
Besides the documentation, the following are under discussion:
- broaderInstantive and narrowerInstantive will be renamend to broaderInstantial and narrowerInstantial
- Hierarchical transitivity for BTx/NTx is under discussion in order to extend the current model
  This will take into account the remarks given by Leonard, Jutta, Antoine and yourself.

Kind Regards,

Johan De Smedt 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vladimir Alexiev []
> Sent: Thursday, 21 November, 2013 16:36
> To: 'Stella Dextre Clarke'; 'ZENG, MARCIA'
> Cc:;; 'Joan Cobb';; 'Garcia,
> Gregg'
> Subject: RE: how to: ordered collection of a Concept
> > (although I did not find an attachment with the diagram you mentioned).
> Sorry Stella, I attach it now:
> complex-hierarchy.png. Notes:
> 1. represent all of Getty's Facets, Hierarchies and Guide Terms as iso:ThesaurusArray.
> 2. represent concepts as skos:Concept
> 3. represent the hierarchical relations using different properties:
>   skos:Concept -skos:narrower-> skos:Concept
>   skos:Concept -iso:subordinateArray-> iso:ThesaurusArray
>   iso:ThesaurusArray -skos:member-> skos:Concept
>   iso:ThesaurusArray -skos:member-> iso:ThesaurusArray
> 4. "shortcut" skos:narrower properties to "go through Arrays".
>   You can see an example: the relation
>   containers  -skos:narrower-> vessels
>   spans 2 levels in the original AAT hierarchy.
> > My understanding is that the current schema provides all that is needed concerning the discussed
> problems...
> > Is my understanding that this provides sufficient tools for AAT correct?
> Johan, all of this is correct and described very well.
> But still nobody has answered whether the pattern "anonymous Array under Concept" is the best
> answer to my question.
> Here is an illustration:
> - ordered-collection.png: shows a Guide Term and a Concept that have ordered children
> - ordered-list.png: shows the additional rdf:List structure that captures the order
> Cheers! Vladimir

Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 06:00:18 UTC