RE: how to: ordered collection of a Concept

> (although I did not find an attachment with the diagram you mentioned).

Sorry Stella, I attach it now: 

complex-hierarchy.png. Notes:
1. represent all of Getty's Facets, Hierarchies and Guide Terms as iso:ThesaurusArray.
2. represent concepts as skos:Concept
3. represent the hierarchical relations using different properties:
  skos:Concept -skos:narrower-> skos:Concept
  skos:Concept -iso:subordinateArray-> iso:ThesaurusArray
  iso:ThesaurusArray -skos:member-> skos:Concept
  iso:ThesaurusArray -skos:member-> iso:ThesaurusArray
4. "shortcut" skos:narrower properties to "go through Arrays".
  You can see an example: the relation 
  containers  -skos:narrower-> vessels
  spans 2 levels in the original AAT hierarchy.

> My understanding is that the current schema provides all that is needed concerning the discussed problems...
> Is my understanding that this provides sufficient tools for AAT correct?

Johan, all of this is correct and described very well. 

But still nobody has answered whether the pattern "anonymous Array under Concept" is the best answer to my question.
Here is an illustration:
- ordered-collection.png: shows a Guide Term and a Concept that have ordered children
- ordered-list.png: shows the additional rdf:List structure that captures the order

Cheers! Vladimir

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2013 15:36:48 UTC