- From: Vladimir Alexiev <vladimir.alexiev@ontotext.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:39:31 +0100
- To: "'Johan De Smedt'" <johan.de-smedt@tenforce.com>, "'Stella Dextre Clarke'" <stella@lukehouse.org>, "'ZENG, MARCIA'" <mzeng@kent.edu>, "'ISO25964 NISO list'" <iso25964@list.niso.org>
- Cc: <public-esw-thes@w3.org>, <L.Will@willpowerinfo.co.uk>, "'Joan Cobb'" <JCobb@getty.edu>, <PHarpring@getty.edu>, "'Garcia, Gregg'" <GGarcia@getty.edu>
- Message-ID: <00e501cee95d$afb1f9b0$0f15ed10$@alexiev@ontotext.com>
> If allowed I'ld love to take your example in future documentation of the iso-25964 documentation. Sure, go ahead. Below are updated diagrams, followed by Turtle. I’ve used HTML email, hope it makes it thorugh Example Diagrams We illustrate the representation using two examples from the Periods and Styles facet that have ordered children: · The Guide Term "<Aegean Bronze Age periods> · The Concept "Minoan" We first show the structure of skos:members, and then the corresponding skos:memberList. skos:member Structure · The Guide Term (G) is represented as an iso:ThesaurusArray with skosxl:Label "<Aegean Bronze Age periods>" · The Concept (C) "Minoan" has an iso:subordinateArray (A), that is an iso:ThesaurusArray, is anonymous, and serves only to hold the OrderedCollection. It should not be displayed as a level in the hierarchy. skos:memberList Structure While the skos:member links establish the membership in skos:Collection (and are used with both skos:OrderedCollection and unordered collections), the additional skos:memberList structure provides the ordering of the members. People often use blank nodes for rdf:List elements (and there is a special Turtle construct for such lists), but we use explicit URIs since it's easier to thread the list with R2RML in this way. The URIs use the pattern aat:{p}-list-{c} where {p} is the parent (owner of the list) and {c} is the child corresponding to the current list element. For brevity, we show only the list of (G) <Aegean Bronze Age periods>. The list of (C) Minoan is structured the same (or see next section for the full representation). Full Representation Here is the full representation of the example (not for the faint of heart!) Example Turtle Here we show the RDF representation corresponding to the diagrams above (we also include the memberList of "Minoan"). Note: the skos:member and skos:narrower structures are also described in another page, be careful not to generate them twice. aat:300106927 a iso:ThesaurusArray, skos:OrderedCollection; # <Aegean Bronze Age periods> skos:member aat:300020060, aat:300020224; skos:memberList aat:300106927-list-300020060. aat:300106927-list-300020060 a rdf:List; rdf:first aat:300020060; rdf:rest aat:300106927-list-300020224. aat:300106927-list-300020224 a rdf:List; rdf:first aat:300020224; rdf:rest rdf:nil. aat:300020060 a skos:Concept. # Cycladic aat:300020224 a skos:Concept; # Minoan skos:narrower aat:300263303, aat:300020233; iso:subordinateArray aat:300020224-array. aat:300020224-array a iso:ThesaurusArray, skos:OrderedCollection; # (anonymous) skos:member aat:300263303, aat:300020233; skos:memberList aat:300020224-list-300263303. aat:300020224-list-300263303 a rdf:List; rdf:first aat:300263303; rdf:rest aat:300020224-list-300020233. aat:300020224-list-300020233 a rdf:List; rdf:first aat:300020233; rdf:rest rdf:nil. aat:300263303 a skos:Concept. # Prepalatial aat:300020233 a skos:Concept. # Postpalatial
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Received on Sunday, 24 November 2013 21:40:05 UTC