Re: Concept Schemes hierarchies

Hi Juan,

There has been suggestions like these in the past, already.
The problem with your pattern (using skos:inScheme between ConceptSchemes) is that skos:inScheme has skos:Concept as domain and skos:ConceptScheme as range. This would cause "sub-schemes" like S11 to be infered to be instances of skos:Concept, which is probably not something you want.

The cleanest option may be to create a new property, like ex:subSchemeOf. Properties like ISO's iso-thes:microThesaurusOf [1] or madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection [2] may fit, this remains to be investigated (I'm afraid especially that these are mostly used with sub-class of skos:Collection, not skos:ConceptScheme).

Note that coining a new property could still allow the kind of inference you describe below (<C1> skos: inScheme <S1>). The trick is to use an OWL property chain axiom [3] stating that the chain (skos:inScheme, ex:subSchemeOf) is a sub-property of skos:inScheme.



> Hello everyone,
> Recurrently some messages in this list concerning the implementation with SKOS of thesauri formed by several microthesauri Thesauri [1]
> Some KOS as EUROVOC define specific properties to represent this. The use of properties such as dc:isPartOf or developing artifacts is another approaches.
> Considering only skos:inScheme: is it possible to use this property to define hierarchies of concept schemes?
> Example: two concept schemes and <S1> and <S11>, <S1> represents the whole thesaurus and <S11> a microthesaurus. It could be defined:
> <S11> skos:inScheme <S1>
> Certainly this is consistent with the definition of skos:inScheme in [2] and [3].
> In this case, could be usefull define skos:inSheme as transitive (skos:inScheme rdf:type owl:Transitive Property). Thus, having a <C1> concept and the declaration:
> <C1> skos: inScheme <S11>
> could be inferred that:
> <C1> skos: inScheme <S1>
> Best regards,
> Juan
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, Ph.D.
> Dep. of Information and Documentation
> Faculty of Communication and Documentation
> University of Murcia
> phone: +34 868 88 7252
> <>

Received on Sunday, 30 December 2012 11:20:08 UTC