Re: Concept Schemes hierarchies

Hi Antoine, Johan:

Certainly, I had my ideas clear: the domain of skos:inScheme is
skos:Concept and the range is skos: ConceeptScheme. However, when I re-read
the SKOS reference, I surprised when I found the following [1]:

"4.6.5. Domain of skos:inScheme

Note that no domain is stated for the property skos:inScheme, i.e., the
domain is effectively the class of all resources (rdfs:Resource). The
decision not to state any domain has been made to provide some flexibility,
enabling extensions to SKOS to define new classes of resource but still use
skos:inScheme to link them to a skos:ConceptScheme. [...]"

and really in there is
not domain form skos:ConceptScheme.

At this point I thought a statement like <S11> skos: inScheme <S1>:

* Is consistent with normative SKOS
* This uses respects the disjoiness between skos:Collection, skos:Concept
and skos:ConceptScheme.

Therefore, some question:

A) Considering [1] where is the problem to subdordinate a
skos:ConceptScheme to another using skos:inScheme?

B) In [2] iso-thes:ConceptGroup are defined as a sub-class of
skos:Collection and requires a sub-property of skos:inScheme: Considering
[1]: it is necessary that property? It would be enough with skos:inScheme
since its domain is not stated?

C) The definition of iso-thes:ConceptGroup (as sub-class of
skos:Collection) is not consistent with the use of skos:hasTopConcept and
skos:topConceptOf? It's necessary another properties a bit complex [2]:
"Shall be derived in SKOS from skos:broaderTransitive where the object of
skos:broaderTransitive is a concept having the property skos:topConceptOf
(i.e., a ThesaurusConcept having topConcept = true)."

Although I prefer modeling using "native" SKOS elements, I recognize that a
property like ex: subScheme could be valid. In the case of the project in
which I'm working I need find a solution as soon as possible, and the
development of iso-thes just begun.

Sorry for all my questions, and thank you very much for your time to answer

Best regards,


2012/12/30 Antoine Isaac <>

> Hi Juan,
> There has been suggestions like these in the past, already.
> The problem with your pattern (using skos:inScheme between ConceptSchemes)
> is that skos:inScheme has skos:Concept as domain and skos:ConceptScheme as
> range. This would cause "sub-schemes" like S11 to be infered to be
> instances of skos:Concept, which is probably not something you want.
> The cleanest option may be to create a new property, like ex:subSchemeOf.
> Properties like ISO's iso-thes:microThesaurusOf [1] or madsrdf:**isMemberOfMADSCollection
> [2] may fit, this remains to be investigated (I'm afraid especially that
> these are mostly used with sub-class of skos:Collection, not
> skos:ConceptScheme).
> Note that coining a new property could still allow the kind of inference
> you describe below (<C1> skos: inScheme <S1>). The trick is to use an OWL
> property chain axiom [3] stating that the chain (skos:inScheme,
> ex:subSchemeOf) is a sub-property of skos:inScheme.
> Antoine
> [1]**iso25964/correspondencesSKOS/<>
> [2]**mads/rdf/v1.html#**
> isMemberOfMADSCollection<>
> [3]**owl2-primer-20090421/#**Property_Chains<>
>  Hello everyone,
>> Recurrently some messages in this list concerning the implementation with
>> SKOS of thesauri formed by several microthesauri Thesauri [1]
>> Some KOS as EUROVOC define specific properties to represent this. The use
>> of properties such as dc:isPartOf or developing artifacts is another
>> approaches.
>> Considering only skos:inScheme: is it possible to use this property to
>> define hierarchies of concept schemes?
>> Example: two concept schemes and <S1> and <S11>, <S1> represents the
>> whole thesaurus and <S11> a microthesaurus. It could be defined:
>> <S11> skos:inScheme <S1>
>> Certainly this is consistent with the definition of skos:inScheme in [2]
>> and [3].
>> In this case, could be usefull define skos:inSheme as transitive
>> (skos:inScheme rdf:type owl:Transitive Property). Thus, having a <C1>
>> concept and the declaration:
>> <C1> skos: inScheme <S11>
>> could be inferred that:
>> <C1> skos: inScheme <S1>
>> Best regards,
>> Juan
>> [1]**Public/public-esw-thes/**
>> 2010Jun/0010.html<>
>> [2]**reference/#L1101<>
>> [3]**reference/#L2805<>
>> --
>> Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, Ph.D.
>> Dep. of Information and Documentation
>> Faculty of Communication and Documentation
>> University of Murcia
>> phone: +34 868 88 7252
>> <>

Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, Ph.D.
Dep. of Information and Documentation
Faculty of Communication and Documentation
University of Murcia
phone: +34 868 88 7252

Received on Sunday, 30 December 2012 18:51:11 UTC