Concept Schemes hierarchies

Hello everyone,

Recurrently some messages in this list concerning the implementation with
SKOS of thesauri formed by several microthesauri Thesauri [1]

Some KOS as EUROVOC define specific properties to represent this. The use
of properties such as dc:isPartOf or developing artifacts is another

Considering only skos:inScheme: is it possible to use this property to
define hierarchies of concept schemes?

Example: two concept schemes and <S1> and <S11>, <S1> represents the whole
thesaurus and <S11> a microthesaurus. It could be defined:

<S11> skos:inScheme <S1>

Certainly this is consistent with the definition of skos:inScheme in [2]
and [3].

In this case, could be usefull define skos:inSheme as transitive
(skos:inScheme rdf:type owl:Transitive Property). Thus, having a <C1>
concept and the declaration:

<C1> skos: inScheme <S11>

could be inferred that:

<C1> skos: inScheme <S1>

Best regards,


Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, Ph.D.
Dep. of Information and Documentation
Faculty of Communication and Documentation
University of Murcia
phone: +34 868 88 7252

Received on Sunday, 30 December 2012 08:50:53 UTC