CALL FOR PAPERS: Classification & Ontology, The Hague 19-20 September 2011

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CLASSIFICATION AND ONTOLOGY: Formal Approaches and Access to Knowledge
International UDC Seminar 2011

VENUE:     The Hague, National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek)
DATE:         19-20 September 2011

The difference between bibliographic knowledge classifications and ontologies resides in
their particular purpose/function, and levels of formality. However, they are
both based on observation and reasoning (ontological analysis) and share some
structural principles and elements.

The objective of this conference is to promote collaboration and exchange of
expertise between the bibliographic, the semantic web and the AI domains. We
hope to learn more about methods in ontology modelling and whether these may be
used to improve and formalise the data models of bibliographic classifications
and enhance their value in information discovery.

Papers are now invited covering the following topics:

1. Modelling and representation of knowledge classifications
2. Standards and solutions for innovative and high-quality classification data
3. Applications and implementations of classification structures as ontologies
4.Theoretical considerations of the role of knowledge classifications

The proposals should be of interest to academic and research communities dealing
with conceptual modelling, information systems design, knowledge organization,
knowledge engineering, semantic interoperability and information integration, and
natural-language processing. Read more and download the full text of the CFP at
the conference website

Contributions may include conference papers and posters. Authors should submit a
proposal in the form of an extended abstract (1000-1200 words including
references, for papers, and 500-600 words for posters). To submit proposal
online go to the conference website.

Conference proceedings will be published by Ergon Verlag and will be distributed
at the conference.

IMPORTANT DATES:    30 Jan 2011    Paper proposal submission deadline
             28 Feb 2011    Notification of acceptance
             01 Apr 2011    Paper submission

ORGANIZER: Classification and Ontology is the third biennial conference in a
series of UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification
Consortium (UDC Consortium) and hosted by Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The National
Library of Netherlands). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The
Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and
development. UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems
in the bibliographic domain.

UDC Consortium
The Hague
The Netherlands


-->         Multlingual UDC Summary:
-->         Classification and Ontology:

The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual
classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and
retrieval tool

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 01:28:22 UTC