Re: SKOS Community Extensions (was Re: Ordering concepts in a Tree display // Where could we place proposed additions to SKOS?)

Hi Alistair, Dan,

> On 18 January 2011 11:43, Alistair Miles<>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 09:14:48AM +0100, Christophe Dupriez wrote:
>>> As we cannot mix skos:existingProperty with skos:desiredProperty:
>>> * Who could manage a namespace for properties that the community is
>>> putting under scrutiny and that one or the other may want to
>>> implement?
>>> * Where the resulting "additions" RDFS file could be deposited?
>> I know many folks have been thinking about how to support this kind of
>> community-managed namespace, so if anyone has any good ideas then please
>> feel free to make a suggestion.
>> The obvious option is that each person uses their own namespace and
>> publishes their own vocabulary, and we use something like the SKOS wiki or
>> to keep track of all of these micro-vocabularies.
> I'd certainly be interested to see an 'at a glance' view of who else
> is defining RDF terms that reference the SKOS core. I'm sure there are
> a half-dozen "tagging" proposals that subclass skos:Concept for
> example. And in FOAF we have foaf:focus with an rdfs:range of
> skos:Concept. Perhaps could be used to track down more of
> these?

I was hoping that the Issues wiki page [1] could be used for discussing proposals and informally keeping links to extensions. But that doesn't seem to have been very popular...
So if Sindice works we could just make a link to the appropriate Sindice query, that's a good idea--any idea if their query language allows to find every namespace where a SKOS property appears as subject or object?

That would in fact be a bit like for the SKOS datasets [2].
As CKAN grows as a reliable source of data, we could only rely on the link to the query [3] on the SKOS wiki.

> Re general tooling for a common ns, I'm not sure. RDFa and a text
> editor + svn? Could even use something very plain like wordpress and
> edit via Web...?

It's good to have a default option to recommend, and is really a good candidate. But there is no obligation of course, and each extension developer should be free to use whatever solution they prefer.

Btw I trust we can't have just one common namespace for community extensions. It's much more manageable to have several namespaces, one for each extension (skos-xtree, skos-xcoord, etc). Given the amount of discussion that can occur on some patterns (cf. the discussion on the MADS pattern for coordination, which I find extremely reasonable) a common namespace would always be unstable. Plus I don't expect there would be many such extensions, especially if we allow new implementers to find and re-use existing ones easily.




Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 19:59:18 UTC