Re: [?? Probable Spam] Project to develop a PHP class for SKOS Validation

Dear Mr.Pastor Sánchez,

I am working on something similar in the Java environment, also hoping 
to share efforts and results with a community.
I would propose to share the design (and, if possible, a Web API).
The idea is to not only have the basic "built-in" SKOS integrity rules 
but also to generate warning, questions to the thesaurus manager so 
(s)he can improve the semantical quality of his(her) cathedral.

A very very preliminar list:
Statistics / Exception listing based length of labels are also useful.
Eurovoc managers may have ideas (Bernard Vatant, do you have any clue 
about this?)

The first thing could be to gather a bibliography on the topic...
And the rules used by current validators (Schematron, PoolParty)

Wishing you a very nice day!

Christophe Dupriez

Le 13/07/2010 18:51, Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues
> I am currently developing an open source Thesaurus Management System,
> based on the SKOS model. This project is being developed to run on PHP
> + MySQL environment, with a very simple installation process,
> multi-user, and with various features aimed at the exploitation of
> SKOS based schemes (such as SPARQL Endpoint). The project is currently
> developed in 50% and I intend to release a first alpha release in
> about six months.
> I am currently using the framework ARC2, thinking about the
> integration of SKOS in some Content Management Systems (like Drupal).
> I would like to incorporate a SKOS validation tool to my project. I
> think that would be interesting to provide an open source library
> written in PHP + MySQL + ARC2. This tool could take the form of a PHP
> class that could be incorporated into other projects.
> > From now on I make a call to those who wish to participate in this
> project of SKOS validator. Anyone interested in this initiative can
> send me an email and begin to create a working group.
> Regards

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 08:16:13 UTC