RE: [PORT] skos planning

Miles - I've been staying out of this a bit, but I wonder if I could 
push a more aggressive stance on your part.... sometimes one of my 
students takes forever getting a journal paper submitting - they keep 
waiting to get it "just right" before sending it, and eventually I 
have to step in and say "send it now" -- I sort of feel like that 
with SKOS -- there's a big and very important community interested in 
using this very important technology -- I think getting it out 
sooner, and fixing it later, is an option to consider.
  In this spirit let me make the following suggested ammendment to 
your proposal - continue through Jan 31 as planned, but if there is 
an extension, the DO (don't discuss) a LC version of SKOS (core and 
vocab) by end of Feb,  This will allow tie for review of the LC and a 
document able to move forward to a recommendation in this WG or 
  I think SKOS is too important to keep trying to nail down all the 
details in too many ways -- and SKOS could be a major boom for the SW 
community - imagine, we could have some of the world's largest 
libraries releasing major thesauri in such a way that each concept 
has a URI that we could use in our schemas and ontology (and link 
back to their online sources) - this is simply too rich a vein not to 
be mined, and speaking in my role as a W3C AC member, I, and my 
organization, encourage the SKOS group to move this to some rec track 
venue asap.
  -Jim Hendler, MIND Lab
p.s. Those of you who are W3C members can see that I have been making 
this same point as part of the W3C Sem Web Coordination Group, but 
this message does not speak for the CG, just for my lab.

At 15:24 +0000 12/12/05, Miles, AJ \(Alistair\) wrote:
>Hi Mark,
>What I'm suggesting re planning for SKOS is that we focus on 
>developing the SKOS Core proposals list [1], in its current form, up 
>to Jan 31 2006, which is the scheduled end of the current WG 
>charter.  If at Jan 31 2006, or sometime before then, we find out 
>that the WG is getting a 2 month extension, then we can talk about 
>scheduling a 3rd review, and at that time pick those items from the 
>list that have good consensus for consideration at that review, in 
>the same way we did for previuos reviews.  Whatever items remain 
>open on the proposals list at the end of the current WG charter 
>become input to the next WG charter.
>I.e. the inputs to the next WG are: the latest WD of the SKOS Core 
>Guide and the SKOS Core Vocab Spec, and "open" items from the SKOS 
>Core Proposals list.
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Mark van Assem []
>>  Sent: 12 December 2005 14:46
>>  To: Miles, AJ (Alistair)
>>  Cc:;
>>  Subject: Re: [PORT] quality assurance and integrity testing for skos
>>  data
>>  Hi Alistair,
>>  This comes back to the same thing I posted a few days ago [1]:
>>  maybe different categories of issues are in order because this is not
>>  a change proposal.
>>  Mark.
>>  [1]
>>  Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:
>>  > Hi Mark,
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >>Hi Alistair,
>>  >>
>>  >>I agree, but what kind of proposal do you mean? A proposal
>>  to include
>>  >>some text on quality assurance in the Guide?
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > Well, I'd just like to add an item to the proposals list
>>  that says something along the lines of: we think quality
>>  assurance is important, and furthermore we can't capture all
>>  of the intended semantics of SKOS Core using RDF+OWL, so we
>>  think this should be adressed at some point, possibly with a
>>  test framework similar to that published at [1].
>>  >
>>  > I.e. we're flagging up the issue, we're not sure exactly
>>  what to do about it, let's get some feedback.
>>  >
>>  > I think it's a bit early to suggest that e.g. [1] become an
>>  appendix to the SKOS Core Guide, as the schemarama idea needs
>>  more air, plus SPARQL isn't solid yet either.
>>  >
>>  > Cheers,
>>  >
>>  > Al.
>>  >
>>  > [1]
>>  /integrity.html
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >>CHeers,
>>  >>Mark.
>>  >>
>>  >>Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >>>Hi all,
>>  >>>
>>  >>>I've tidied up some work I did a little while ago on
>>  >>
>>  >>quality assurance and 'integrity testing' for SKOS data using
>>  >>SPARQL queries.  I've written this up at:
>>  >>
>>  >>>
>>  >>
>>  >>/integrity.html
>>  >>
>>  >>>I think quality assurance is an important issue, and I'd
>>  >>
>>  >>like to acknowledge that by adding an item to the SKOS Core
>>  >>proposals list. Any objections to that?
>>  >>
>>  >>>I've also implemented a test server, so you can try out the
>>  >>
>>  >>test cases on your SKOS data, see:
>>  >>
>>  >>>
>>  >>>
>>  >>>Cheers,
>>  >>>
>>  >>>Al.
>>  >>>
>>  >>>
>>  >>>
>>  >>>---
>>  >>>Alistair Miles
>>  >>>Research Associate
>>  >>>CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
>>  >>>Building R1 Room 1.60
>>  >>>Fermi Avenue
>>  >>>Chilton
>>  >>>Didcot
>>  >>>Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
>>  >>>United Kingdom
>>  >>>Email:
>>  >>>Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440
>>  >>>
>>  >>>
>>  >>
>>  >>--
>>  >>  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>>  >> -
>>  >>
>>  >
>>  >
>>  --
>>    Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>> -

Professor James Hendler			  Director
Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery	  	  301-405-2696
UMIACS, Univ of Maryland			  301-314-9734 (Fax)
College Park, MD 20742
(New course:

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2005 20:50:59 UTC