- From: Stella Dextre Clarke <sdclarke@lukehouse.demon.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 17:13:50 -0000
- To: <public-esw-thes@w3.org>, <LIS-CILIP@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, <LIS-UKOLUG@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, <NKOS@dli2.nsf.gov>, "Vizine-Goetz,Diane" <vizine@oclc.org>, <Gerhard.Budin@univie.ac.at>, "Aida Slavic" <aida.slavic@ucl.ac.uk>, "Alan Thomas" <alro.th@virgin.net>, "Anthony Meggitt" <anthonymeggitt@machservices.com.au>, "Audrey Sutherland" <audrey.sutherland@cls.glasgow.gov.uk>, <Audrey.Klarzynska@hse.gsi.gov.uk>, "Beasley, Bob" <dbeasley@iee.org.uk>, "beghtol@fis. utoronto. ca" <beghtol@fis.utoronto.ca>, "Bev Corwin" <bev@enso-company.com>, "Bill Hutchison" <bill.hutchison@Wordmap.com>, "Bronwen Brown" <bronwen.brown@edinburgh.gov.uk>, "Buizza Giuseppe" <GBuizza@comune.brescia.it>, "Caroline Barlow" <caroline@barlow-indexing.freeserve.co.uk>, "Cathrin Senn" <Cathrin.Senn@factiva.com>, "Charlotte Breen" <charlottebreen@eircom.net>, "Christine Miskin" <Christine.Miskin@infoengineers.com>, "Claire. Everitt" <claire.everitt@lsc.gov.uk>, "Corentin_Roulin@compuserve. com" <Corentin_Roulin@compuserve.com>, "Dagobert Soergel" <ds52@umail.umd.edu>, <david.haynes@cilip.org.uk>, "Derek Sturdy" <derek.sturdy@infoengineers.com>, "Diana Grimwood-Jones" <diana@artemisconsult.demon.co.uk>, "Dionysis Giannibas" <giannibas@ekt.gr>, "Emily Fayen" <emily.fayen@verizon.net>, "Evans, Meinir \(IMD Translation Service\)" <Meinir.Evans@Wales.gsi.gov.uk>, "Gerhard. Riesthuis@. uva. nl" <Gerhard.Riesthuis@hum.uva.nl>, "Helen Lippell" <helen.lippell@bbc.co.uk>, "Ia McIlwaine" <uczcw07@ucl.ac.uk>, "Ian Crowlesmith \(IanCrowlesmith\)" <i.crowlesmith@elsevier.nl>, "J Wyllie" <jwyllie@trendmonitor.com>, "James Reid" <james.reid@ed.ac.uk>, "'Jean Aitchison'" <Jean.Aitchison@btinternet.com>, "Jean Bacon \(COUNTRYSIDE\)" <Jean.Bacon@countryside.gov.uk>, "Jessica Milstead" <milstead@jelem.com>, Jesus Rey (Jesus Rey) <J.Rey@cindoc.csic.es>, "Johannes Keizer" <Johannes.Keizer@fao.org>, "John Borras" <john.borras@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk>, "Joseph A Busch" <jbusch@taxonomystrategies.com>, "Joyce Stannard" <Joyce.Stannard@odpm.gsi.gov.uk>, "Linda Hill" <l7hill@gte.net>, "Lori Starr" <lstarr@nal.usda.gov>, "M VAN DER WALT \(M VAN DER WALT\)" <Msvdw@AKAD.SUN.AC.ZA>, "Maewyn Cumming" <maewyn.cumming@defra.gsi.gov.uk>, "Marcia Lei Zeng" <mzeng@kent.edu>, "Marjorie Hlava" <mhlava@ACCESSINN.COM>, "Maryanne Lykke Nielsen" <mln@db.dk>, "Michele Hudon \(Michele Hudon\)" <michele.hudon@umontreal.ca>, "Mike Collett" <schemeta@mac.com>, "Miles, AJ \(Alistair\) " <A.J.Miles@rl.ac.uk>, "MultiTes@aol. com" <MultiTes@aol.com>, "Murtha Baca \(Murtha Baca\)" <MBaca@getty.edu>, <pat.bell@hmce.gsi.gov.uk>, <Patrice.landry@slb.admin.ch>, <Peter.Jordan@e-Envoy.gsi.gov.uk>, "Philip Defriez \(E-mail\)" <philip.Defriez@doh.gsi.gov.uk>, "R J Bater MCLIP" <bbater@infoplex-uk.com>, "Snowden Andrew AE" <Andrew.Snowden@icl.com>, <tracy.powell@ssc.govt.nz>, <Traugott.Koch@ub2.lu.se>, "uczcvbr" <uczcvbr@ucl.ac.uk>, <y.turgeon@iaea.org>, "'Fulvio Mazzocchi'" <mazzocchi@iia.cnr.it>, "'Marisa Trigari'" <m.trigari@indire.it>, "Ron Davies" <ron@rondavies.be>, "Ben Soares" <Ben.Soares@ed.ac.uk>, "LEE, Edmund" <Edmund.Lee@ENGLISH-HERITAGE.ORG.UK>, "Mike Taylor" <mike@tecc.co.uk>, "Paul Miller" <p.miller@jisc.ac.uk>, "Rachel Heery" <r.m.heery@ukoln.ac.uk>, "Richard Light" <richard@light.demon.co.uk>, "Sheila Walker" <Sheila.Walker3@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk>, "Ben Anderson" <ben.anderson@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, "Cathy Day" <EOLPortal@essexcc.gov.uk>, "David Eilbeck \(E-mail\)" <david.eilbeck@ir.gsi.gov.uk>, <Info-IM3@defence.mod.uk>, "'Joyce Stannard'" <Joyce.Stannard@odpm-dft.gsi.gov.uk>, "Kevin Jackson \(CD\)" <Kevin.Jackson@defra.gsi.gov.uk>, "Leila Mottahedeh" <Leila.Mottahedeh@hmce.gsi.gov.uk>, "Maidment, Mark \(IMD\)" <mark.maidment@DEFRA.GSI.GOV.UK>, "Paula Collins" <paula.collins@fco.gov.uk>, "Peter Cornelissen" <peter.cornelissen@rdd-phru.cam.ac.uk>, "REED, Julia" <Julia.REED@dfes.gsi.gov.uk>
- Cc: "Leonard Will \(Leonard Will\)" <L.Will@Willpowerinfo.co.uk>, <alan.gilchrist@tfpl.com>, "'Ron Davies'" <ron@rondavies.be>
The first two Parts of BS 8723 have now been published and full reference details are at the foot of this message. Taken together, these two Parts revise and supersede BS 5723:1987, the Guide to Establishment and development of monolingual thesauri. Since this British Standard is identical to ISO 2788, it is hoped that in due course, with the input of collaborators in other countries, BS 8723 will pave the way towards a corresponding revision of the international standard. The differences between BS 5723 (now withdrawn) and BS 8723 Parts 1 and 2 are very substantial, even though the basic principles of thesaurus construction are preserved. The whole text has been rewritten in today's idiom, and some additional aspects are now covered: - facet analysis - presentation via electronic (as well as printed) media; - thesaurus functions in electronic systems - requirements for thesaurus management software Meantime, work continues on the three other parts planned for BS 8723. These will cover, respectively: - Vocabularies other than thesauri; - Interoperation between multiple vocabularies (with multilingual thesauri as a special case); - Interoperation between vocabularies and other components of information storage and retrieval systems. If you are in the UK, you can get Parts 1 and 2 (at a price) from BSI at Telephone: +44(0)20 8996-9001 Website: www.bsi-global.com/bsonline Email: orders@bsi-global.com Email (enquiries): info@bsi-global.com Fax: +44(0)20 8996-7001 Post: BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL If you are overseas, you may find it easier to contact your national standards body, for example AFNOR in France or DIN in Germany. All of these bodies have agreements to sell each other's publications. Now here are the reference details: BS 8723-1:2005 *Title: Structured vocabularies for information retrieval. Guide. Definitions, symbols and abbreviations *Publication date: 1 November 2005 *ISBN: 0 580 46798 8 *Pages: 10 *Price: 26 pounds sterling for BSI members; 52 pounds for non-members BS 8723-2:2005 *Title: Structured vocabularies for information retrieval. Guide. Thesauri *Publication date: 1 November 2005 *ISBN: 0 580 46799 6 *Pages: 60 *Price: 64 pounds sterling for BSI members; 128 pounds for non-members ***************************************************** Stella Dextre Clarke Information Consultant Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 8RR, UK Tel: 01235-833-298 Fax: 01235-863-298 SDClarke@LukeHouse.demon.co.uk *****************************************************
Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 17:19:43 UTC