Re: subject indicators ... ?

In message 
<> on Tue, 5 
Oct 2004, "Miles, AJ (Alistair)" <> wrote
>The idea I had for a 'skos:indicator' property is that it points to a 
>web resource that consists of a *complete* description of the concept. 
>This should include labels, definitions, examples, etc. where present.

I would think that the only place you would find a suitable *complete* 
description would be within a knowledge organisation scheme that had 
been compiled in accordance with the standards that you are using. Are 
you then just in the situation of borrowing elements from other KOSs - 
i.e. merging or mapping?

>Such a 'skos:indicator' property would also provide an alternative to 
>resolvable URIs for concepts ... i.e. you can have a concept with a 
>non-resolvable URI, and if you are looking for a complete 
>(content-negotiable) description of that concept, you look up the 

What could an "indicator" be if it pointed to a web resource but was not 
a URI? I thought that a URI was a general name for something that 
pointed to a web resource.

I'm not sure what you mean by "content-negotiable".

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Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 15:49:10 UTC