Re: [Proposal][SKOS-Core] handling top concepts

* Dave Beckett <> [2004-08-10 12:32+0100]
> On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 12:09:20 -0400, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
> ...
> > Thanks, this identifies a discomfort I've had w/ interactions between 
> > 'top concept' notion and thesaurus mixing. At heart you're saying 
> > 'top concept' is a relation between a a scheme/dataset/thesaurus and
> > a concept. Makes sense to me.
> This is why I suggested skos:hasTopConcept to Alistair.  You can't
> promote one concept to 'top' in a shared web, since it might not be
> a top concept in another thesaurus in the same graph.  It is a
> relationship between the thesaurus and some concept(s).
> > So would this be:
> > 
> > <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:about="http:///....../skos/core#hasTopConcept"/>
> > 
> > ie. anything that has a skos:hasTopConcept has only one such thing?
> No.  It may be 0 or more.  But if such a relationship exists it should be between
> the skos:ConceptScheme and some skos:Concept.  We had to pick
> a direction and it is most useful if it is written down (in rdf/xml say)
> near the skos:ConceptScheme where other thesaurus-specific information
> is recorded since if you are considerign the thesarus itself, you want
> to see the general items about it - such as top concepts - if the exist.
> Hence skos:hasTopConcept rather than skos:topConceptIn

OK, all makes sense to me; thanks.

BTW for experimental exporter of 
SKOS from Wordpress weblog categories, for those who didn't see it.


Received on Tuesday, 10 August 2004 12:04:43 UTC