- From: Laurent Le Meur <laurent.lemeur@edrlab.org>
- Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 18:55:20 +0200
- To: Gregorio Pellegrino <gregorio.pellegrino@fondazionelia.org>
- Cc: W3C EPUB3 Community Group <public-epub3@w3.org>, Jiminy Panoz <jiminy@chapalpanoz.com>
- Message-Id: <2B0FB42A-D8CA-4926-A8B7-D38741591221@edrlab.org>
To add a precision (that you'll find in the video), Jiminy Panoz worked two years ago on the notion of "responsive table", carefully authored. Obviously, a basic and large HTML table in a reflowable EPUB, on an app using CSS multi-columns, will not be displayed correctly on a smartphone. Cordialement, Laurent Le Meur CTO EDRLab > Le 28 août 2019 à 18:11, Gregorio Pellegrino - Fondazione LIA <gregorio.pellegrino@fondazionelia.org> a écrit : > > Dear CG, > recently at Fondazione LIA we have been working on an accessible EPUB 3 with technical content. We realized that different reading systems have problems displaying complex tables that, although correctly structured in HTML and CSS, are cut in the reading mode (attached some screenshots of example). > > We have been confronted with Jiminy Panoz and EDRLab not finding a practical solution applicable. > > In our opinion we should find guidelines for EPUB authors and reading solutions, since more and more content producers want to produce academic, professional, scientific and not only narrative texts in EPUB. > > What could be the right way forward? Identify tables with particular attributes (ARIA or epub:type) for correct identification by reading solutions? Any other ideas? > > A good starting point could be the intervention of Toby Green, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) at EPUB SUMMIT 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YkYBmh8YWM#t=36m25s <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YkYBmh8YWM#t=36m25s> > > Gregorio > > > --- > Gregorio Pellegrino > Chief Accessibility Officer > > > > Corso di Porta Romana 108, 20122 Milano > Tel. +39 02 89280822 > www.fondazionelia.org <http://www.fondazionelia.org/> - www.libriitalianiaccessibili.org <http://www.libriitalianiaccessibili.org/> > <https://www.facebook.com/Fondazione-LIA-Libri-Italiani-Accessibili-410025432878589> Segui @fondazionelia > > Network Confidentiality Notice > > Il presente messaggio, e ogni eventuale documento a questo allegato, potrebbe contenere informazioni da considerarsi strettamente riservate ad esclusivo utilizzo del destinatario in indirizzo, il quale è l'unico autorizzato ad usarlo, copiarlo e, sotto la propria responsabilità, diffonderlo. Chiunque ricevesse questo messaggio per errore o comunque lo leggesse senza esserne legittimato è avvertito che trattenerlo, copiarlo, divulgarlo, distribuirlo a persone diverse dal destinatario è severamente proibito ed è pregato di darne notizia immediatamente al mittente oltre che cancellare il messaggio e i suoi eventuali allegati dal proprio sistema. > Le opinioni espresse nel messaggio sono quelle proprie del mittente, se non diversamente e specificatamente dichiarato dal mittente stesso. > > This message, and any attached file transmitted with it, contains information that may be confidential or privileged for the sole use of the intended recipient who only may use, copy and, under his responsibility, further disseminate it. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail or read it without entitlement be advised that keeping, copying, disseminating or distributing this message to persons other than the intended recipient is strictly forbidden. You are to notify immediately to the sender and to delete this message and any file attached from your system. > Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states otherwise. >
Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 16:55:49 UTC