Re: Documenting EPUB feature requests

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 6:54 AM fabrizio venerandi <> wrote:

> - allow non-linear reading for interactive reading (allow non-turnable
> pages)

I don't understand "non-turnable pages"

- allow access to remote text and not only video (for ebook that update
> themself)

How would this work? I presume the user would have to consent to the

- ask reading systems to re-paginate chapters when the size of the chapter
> changes for user interaction (via javascript or summary/details tags

I think this is a bug in (some?) existing reading systems

- add full support for paged media CSS

Could you go into more detail about this? Parts of CSS-Pages and GCPM are
really specific to print (such as trim marks). Much of CSS pages depends on
an unchanging viewport size, which in general isn't true for the web. EPUB
has had running heads before, but there was little interest in

> - add controls for virtual page in Javascript
What sort of controls?



Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 18:19:06 UTC