Re: PAS submission to ISO/IEC JTC1 (was Re: [AGENDA] EPUB 3 Working Group (EPUB3WG) Teleconference - 8 December 2022)

Hi I think we also need to evaluate the impact on the EU standard for the Accessibility Act.

Da: Ivan Herman <>
Data: giovedì 8 dicembre 2022, 11:03
A: Makoto Murata <>
Cc: "Shinya Takami (高見真也)" <>, W3C EPUB 3 Working Group <>
Oggetto: Re: PAS submission to ISO/IEC JTC1 (was Re: [AGENDA] EPUB 3 Working Group (EPUB3WG) Teleconference - 8 December 2022)
Rinviato da: <>
Data rinvio: Thu, 08 Dec 2022 10:03:22 +0000

On 8 Dec 2022, at 10:53, MURATA <<>> wrote:


ISO submission put aside, we will have to decide whether we want to turn the EPUB 3.3 publication into a "living standard" or not. "Living standard" means the following. Once this WG runs out of its charter, we set up a low-key "maintenance WG", which handles errata and, possibly, looks at the outstanding issues (see [1] for those at the moment). The WG will have the possibility to make 'fast-track' updates of the EPUB 3.3 by, for example, handling errata but, more importantly, solving another issue listed in [1] and adding a new normative feature (remember the discussion we had on Webtoons in [2]). Fast track means that we do not have to go through a WG draft, it ends up "editing" an existing standard quickly. Bottom line: we may end up issuing a new version of EPUB 3.3 once a year, or once every 18 months if necessary.

Coming back to the original issue: Makoto, can you tell us what that would mean in terms of ISO? Can ISO accept such quick turnover on new versions? How long does it take to submit a new version of EPUB 3.3 via the PAS procedure? The danger is that, with a Living EPUB 3.3 standard, we would get out of sync with ISO very quickly, which would beat the purpose of a PAS submission.

I should speak with the SC34 secretariat, but here is my understanding.
If JTC1 receives a PAS submission from W3C, there will be a six-month
ballot.  I guess that an international standard will be published seven-month
after the PAS submission.  Directives say nothing about the frequency of
submissions.  Since ISO only has to attach a cover page, I do not think
ISO will have a problem even if a PAS submission is made every year.

Let us have some discussion in the WG first to see what our wishes and plans are. Contacting the SC34 secretariat at that point might indeed be a good idea, thanks for offering it. We also have to find out whether a PAS submission is a big admin step or not (I do not think it is, but one may never know).








On 8 Dec 2022, at 03:58, Shinya Takami <<>> wrote:


Could you explain what and who should do for that at the call?


2022年12月8日(木) 9:55 MURATA <<>>:

> What do we do after EPUB 3.3?

I propose to submit EPUB 3.3, EPUB RS 3.3, and
EPUB A11Y 1.1 to ISO/IEC JTC1 using the PAS
submission procedure.  In my understanding, the
PAS agreement between W3C and JTC1 implies
that JTC1 will attach cover pages and will not touch
anything.  This is how WCAG 2.0 was published
as ISO/IEC 40500:2012.

Replacing old versions in JTC1 by new versions
is good for avoiding unnecessary confusion.  In
particular, I can start to revise the JIS version
of EPUB A11Y.


2022年12月7日(水) 23:20 Reid, Wendy <<>>:
Thursday 8 December 2022
Time: 7:00 PM Boston (60min)
Local date/time link:

Connection details at end of note

1 – Testing Updates [1]
2 – MIME Sniffing [2]
3 – What do we do after EPUB 3.3?



= Connection details =
Text Chat:


Meeting link for Zoom in archive:

The EPUB3WG relies on IRC in our weekly call to encourage meeting participation, document our discussions, vote on resolutions and manage the speaker queue, etc. For more information about IRC in<>, please review

村田 真
 Shinya Takami, Ph.D. <<>>
 Chief Architect & Evangelist, KADOKAWA CORPORATION
  - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + -
 Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC

 Co-Chair, EPUB 3 Working Group | Publishing@W3C


Ivan Herman, W3C

mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

村田 真

Ivan Herman, W3C

mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43


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