Language in eocred

I have a use case for competency/credential discovery.

I want to find pilots who not only speak German as a competency, or
received a German Federal aviation credential, but trained for their
Aviation certificates using the German language.

So more broadly this is a use case where the knowledge was expressed in a

If we take this to the case of math skills, or the completion of some
Algebra course, I want to know what language the course was taught in.

have we covered this yet as a use case in :

1. The text book for a maths course in German could use the LRMI language

   - inLanguage     The primary language of the

2. The maths course was taught in German could be described by
3. The Credential offered seems to be agnostic to language considerations
as it is just a credential unless we are using a language tag to describe
the language used in the credential's essence.
4. Any given competency may have an equivalent in another schema but be
expressed in another natural language. (That is, there may be a German
standard for competencies that has been aligned to an English standard for
competencies, but what is missing seems to be the element that the
competency was expressed in a particular natural language.)


All the best,
- Hugh Paterson III

Received on Monday, 12 March 2018 17:19:59 UTC