Re: EOCred: recognition of credential

Hello all,

I am not sure whether this discussion came to a conclusion or just 
petered out.

I have tried to summarize the proposal so far on the wiki 
[1], please take this as a prompt to resume discussion if you wish.

Regards, Phil


On 09/04/18 12:24, Phil Barker wrote:
> I mentioned 
> <> 
> [1] in our discussion around name search for the credentialing 
> organization that there were several relationships possible between an 
> educational occupational credential and an organization as well as 
> offeredBy. Two of these, accreditedBy and recognizedBy, relate to our 
> use case about quality assurance 
> <> 
> and labor market value 
> <> 
> [2].
> With the aim of keeping the number of properties to a minimum, can we 
> treat accreditation as a form of recognition?
> Should we add recognizedBy as a property of 
> EducationalOccupationalCredential?
> Definition: An organization that acknowledges the validity of a 
> credential.
> Note: This recognition may include a process of quality assurance or 
> accreditation.
> Examples:
> <law degree> recognizedBy <bar association>
> <certificate> recognizedBy <trade body>
> <mba degree> recognizedBy <AMBA>
> Phil
> 1. 
> 2. Use cases:
> -- 
> Phil Barker <>.
> PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
> information systems for education.
> CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education 
> technology.
> PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
> number SC569282.
> CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
> England number OC399090


Phil Barker <>.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

Received on Monday, 30 April 2018 10:10:13 UTC