Re: For EOWG Review -- Re: Translations status & upcoming work

It sounds to me as though Denis expects to take all the time tomorrow but
that is likely to depend on attendance and interest.  I am in favor of
adding the translations as a possible agenda item -"if time permits/if
ready" and use the survey/W4TW as fallback.

Can you do that?  Thanks Shawn,


On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 1:36 PM Shawn Henry <> wrote:

> Hi Brent & Sharron,
> Since we didn't get to the "translations update" agenda item yesterday,
> here's an update in e-mail.
> We didn't prototype the previous proposal because it didn't have
> sufficient support.
> After working through differing perspectives from W3C Team (including
> i18n) and EOWG contributors, I think we've come up with a solution that
> will effectively meet user needs and sufficiently address other issues.
> It's written up with a static mockup at:
> I would like to get an OK from interested parties on the location of the
> lists & links asap so we can continue from prototype to development. (We
> could tweak the wording of things like "this page" later.) I'm waiting for
> an OK from one more W3C staff, which should come tonight. Then I would like
> to offer it to EOWG to review.
> The timing challenge is that I'd prefer not to wait until next week, yet I
> won't know until tonight if we've got the OKs so it makes sense to take it
> to EOWG. Some options:
> * Add it to the agenda for tomorrow with something like "(if ready)"
> * Don't add to tomorrow's agenda. When it's ready, add it to Work for This
> Week and send e-mail to EOWG list.
> I'm fine with whatever y'all think it best. Feel free to ping me in IRC or
> call if you want to discuss.
> ---
> Next things will be process for submitting translations, reviewing,
> handling updates, etc.. I'll let you know when that is sufficient thought
> through that it makes sense for EOWG to look at.
> Best,
> ~Shawn
> On 11/30/2018 12:13 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
> > Hi Sharron & Brent,
> >
> > Ref:
> >
> > Below is to record what we discussed in the Wednesday EO-Plan meeting,
> along with some additional info for your consideration.
> >
> > * Translations UI proposal from 7 November had show-stopper issues (that
> came in on 19 November).
> > * We came up with different proposal and options - written. Initial
> feedback showed confusion. Need to provide a mock-up in order for people to
> effectively review the proposal.
> > * Hope to have that mock-up early in December.
> > * Would like to finalize UI asap to get it going before Eric is off...

Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2018 20:49:16 UTC