Re: [euopendata] Classification of open datasets...

Dear all

Expressive vocabularies/models have been introduced that allow 
describing morpho-syntactic properties of the linguistic realization in 
various languages as well as their specific relation, e.g. stating 
whether one is an abbreviation of another, whether two lexicalizations 
in different languages are literal or more lenient translations of each 
other etc. For this purpose, the*LIR model *[1] allows representing 
relations between lexicalizations of classes and properties in different 
languages, thus adding a cultural and linguistic layer to ontologies 
that is crucial for applications requiring ontology-based access across 
languages. In the MONNET project [2], LIR has been unified with 
*LexInfo* [3] to produce a more comprehensible model for the enrichment 
of ontologies with a linguistic layer called *lemon *[4].

I would suggest to follow the W3C Ontology-Lexica Community Group ...

KInd regards


[1] E. Montiel-Ponsoda, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea 
Asunción Gómez-Pérez 
Wim Peters 
Enriching ontologies with multilingual information. Natural Language 
Engineering 17 
283-309 (2011)



[4] McCrae, J <file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C1>, Aguado-de-Cea G 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C342>, Buitelaar P 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C6>, Cimiano P 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C3>, Declerck T 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C113>, Gomez-Perez A 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C273>, Gracia J 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C343>,Hollink L 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C344>, Montiel-Ponsoda E 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C271>, Spohr D 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cauthor%5C274> et al... Interchanging lexical 
resources on the Semantic Web 
<file:///C:%5Cde%5Cbiblio%5Cview%5C334>. Language Resources and 
Evaluation, to appear.


El 01/03/2013 20:07, John Erickson escribió:
> In addition to the vocabs that have been mentioned here (esp. W3C DCAT
> and ADMS), a particularly interesting opportunity is
> <>, which tries to solve the multi-lingual
> problem using canonical terms in a particularly linked data-friendly
> way.
> >From their site: " brings information about languages, words,
> characters, and other human language-related entities to the Linked
> Data Web and Semantic Web. The Linked Data Web <>
> is a worldwide initiative to create a Web of Data that exposes the
> relationships between entities in our world. adds a new
> perspective to this Web by exposing how everything in our world is
> connected in terms of language, e.g. by considering semantic
> relationships between multilingual labels (like book or New York).
> Lexvo not only defines global IDs (URIs) for language-related objects,
> but also ensures that these identifiers are dereferenceable and highly
> interconnected as well as externally linked to a variety of resources
> on the Web...."
> John
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Bastiaan Deblieck
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please allow me to give the TenForce view on this situation. At TenForce we
>> are collaborating very closely with the EC and with other open data
>> initiatives throughout Europe. As a commercial company we follow research
>> activities and apply their results in our projects. With regards to this
>> discussion we are strong supporters of:
>> - ADMS:
>> - DCAT:
>> We are convinced that these are excellent vocabularies to facilitate
>> multilingual data exchange and linking. We have been using and will be using
>> these "tools" in our projects for government and industry. From this
>> experience we know that EUROVOC is/will be key in anything the EC does in
>> the area of open data. The Open Data Portal of the EU uses DCAT/DCT and is
>> aligned in general terms to be compatible with ADMS, cf.
>> Future activities in the area of linked open data on a European scale will
>> almost certainly involve these vocabularies. Contracts like this
>> have been
>> attributed and are moving forward.
>> Best Regards,
>> Bastiaan Deblieck
>> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Charles RUELLE <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This topic is very interesting.
>>> In France, for (the french open data portal) we currently use
>>> Eurovoc to describe our datasets.
>>> Do you know who is using Eurovoc ? What are others classifications that
>>> are used ?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Charles RUELLE
>>> @charlesruelle
>>> CTO of Etalab - French Prime Minister's task force for Open Government and
>>> Open Data
>>> Le 1 mars 2013 à 10:32, Peter Krantz <> a écrit :
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Many countries are developing national portals with metadata about
>>>> open datasets from the public sector. To make datasets easier to find
>>>> and to lower the threshold for pan-european (or global) re-use it
>>>> would be great if classification of datasets followed a shared
>>>> taxonomy.
>>>> There are many candidates that could be used, e.g. Eurovoc [1], NACE
>>>> [2]. I would be grateful for any pointers if there is work going on to
>>>> harmonize classification of datasets on a global or European level.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Peter Krantz
>>>> @peterkz_swe
>>>> [1]: - availabble as LOD
>>>> [2]:
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Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Director of the Ontology Engineering Group
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, sn
Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain
Home page:
Phone: (34-91) 336-7417
Fax: (34-91) 352-4819

Received on Sunday, 3 March 2013 09:55:55 UTC