- From: <stijn.goedertier@pwc.be>
- Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 18:33:52 +0100
- To: public-egov-ig-request@w3.org
- Cc: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>, "Holm, Jeanne M (1760)" <jeanne.m.holm@jpl.nasa.gov>, public-egov-ig@w3.org, T.Tarasova@uva.nl, Ketchell John <jketchell@cencenelec.eu>
- Message-ID: <OF6848D08F.5B6D2359-ONC1257B18.005FA770-C1257B18.0060837B@pwc.be>
Hi Tatiana, I tried the search service on Joinup [1] to look for relevant "semantic assets" about parliamentary proceedings. Perhaps CEN MetaLex [2] and the Parliament Ontology [3] are also relevant to your work. with kind regards, Stijn [1] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/search/apachesolr_search?filters=sm_facetbuilder_facet_node_type%3A%22facet_node_type%3Afacet_24%22&hidden_type=1 [2] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/catalogue/asset_release/cen-metalex ( http://metalex.eu) [3] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/catalogue/asset_release/parliament-ontology [4] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/catalogue/all Stijn Goedertier From: public-egov-ig-request@w3.org To: T.Tarasova@uva.nl Cc: public-egov-ig@w3.org, Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>, "Holm, Jeanne M (1760)" <jeanne.m.holm@jpl.nasa.gov> Date: 20/02/2013 17:30 Subject: Re: vocabularies for parliamentary proceedings Hi Tatiana, Seems like a simple question but I didn't come up with the answer quickly. Are you looking for Linked Data vocabs about parliamentary proceedings? If so, I bet if you pinged some of the folks on the UK Public Sector Linked Data working group [1] they could point you to something helpful. I *think* data.gov.uk has parliamentary proceedings published in RDF. Note: The oeGov stuff by TopQuadrant is relevant for US Government data, but not parliamentary based systems. Cheers, Bernadette Hyland [1] http://data.gov.uk/blog/public-sector-linked-data-working-group On Feb 20, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org> wrote: We've just had this query on the WebSchemas list; does anyone here have more pointers? Dan ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org> Date: 20 February 2013 15:36 Subject: Re: vocabularies for parliamentary proceedings To: "Tarasova, Tatiana" <T.Tarasova@uva.nl> Cc: "public-vocabs@w3.org" <public-vocabs@w3.org> On 18 February 2013 16:58, Tarasova, Tatiana <T.Tarasova@uva.nl> wrote: Dear All, I am looking for the existing vocabularies/ontologies (in English) that can be used to describe the structure of documents of parliamentary proceedings, i.e., written records of parliamentary meetings. For example, I am interested in expressing such concepts as parliamentary proceedings, topics (discussed agenda of the proceedings), speeches inside topics (verbal ) and paragraphs that constitute parliamentary speeches. Is anybody aware of such vocabularies? So far I have not found anything specific, only vocabularies that allow to describe structure of generic documents such as [1] or [2] . I had a quick look and found http://cantorva.com/2009NS/twfyl-lod-demo/vocab/ based on searching for 'theyworkforyou' (see http://www.mysociety.org/projects/theyworkforyou/ ) and 'rdf'. There was also a thread ages ago on the FOAF list about describing the Italian parliament, http://lists.foaf-project.org/pipermail/foaf-dev/2008-October/009396.html For US, GovTrack might be of interest: http://datahub.io/dataset/govtrack Hope this helps, Dan [1] http://salt.semanticauthoring.org/ontologies/sdo# [2] http://purl.org/spar/doco/Paragraph Thank you, Tatiana PhD candidate at Information and Language Processing Systems group http://ilps.science.uva.nl University of Amsterdam *Professional Mail* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy, print or rely on this e-mail. PwC may monitor outgoing and incoming e-mails and other telecommunications on its e-mail and telecommunications systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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