- From: Steven Clift <clift@e-democracy.org>
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:42:23 -0600
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From: http://www.knightfoundation.org/press-room/press-release/knight-commits-9-million-civic-technology-and-enga/ Feb 25, 2013 Knight commits $9 million to civic technology and engagement TED, Code for America and New York University receive support RELATED LINKS "Knight doubles down on tech’s potential to connect communities for action" on Knight Blog LONG BEACH, CALIF. (Feb. 25, 2013) – Knight Foundation today underlined its belief in the potential of technology to revitalize democracy with $9 million in new support for three national organizations: Code for America, NYU Wagner and TED. The funding, part of Knight’s Tech for Engagement Initiative, will strengthen the growing field of civic technologists using new tools to reimagine civic life. “We believe in the power of connected action,” said Damian Thorman, Knight’s director of national programs. “We’ve seen that technology can engage people in community decision-making beyond the election cycle. But the field of tech for engagement is young, and needs infrastructure to develop to its full potential.” Knight Foundation’s funding will: Expand Code for America ($5 million): The self-described “Peace Corps for Geeks” is building a network of cities, citizens, community groups and startups committed to helping government work better for everyone. With new Knight funding, Code for America will expand one of its four programs to 13 communities. The organization, which has helped accelerate innovation in local governments, will also redeploy the successful apps and platforms it develops to more communities. “We see the challenges local governments face everyday," said Jen Pahlka, Code for America’s founder and executive director. "By working side by side with residents and government staff, we hope to develop more ways that technology can help cities be the more open, transparent and participatory places we all need them to be.” Build a University-Based Network ($3.12 million): Housed at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, the GovLab will train graduate students across disciplines and universities to design, build and implement tech-based solutions to pressing problems communities face across the country. Through its project-based learning work, GovLab Academy aims to instill the mindset and skillset required to tackle the pressing need for institutional innovation. Leading experts will train teams of graduate students to work with communities to develop solutions. Knight funding complements a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to study the impact of the academy’s projects and share the lessons learned. “We can create institutions that know how to efficiently embrace the freewheeling, distributed, diverse and collaborative ways of solving big and small problems more common to open source programmers and global social movements,” said Beth Noveck, NYU Wagner Professor and former White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer. “We believe that everyone is an expert in something and many would be willing to participate in the life of our democracy, if given the opportunity to do so meaningfully.” Put TED Ideas into Action ($985,000): TED is a community of some of the most talented problem-solvers in the world, and its events produce many breakthrough “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Knight is partnering with TED, a non-profit organization, to work on amplifying and measuring the impact of these ideas as they ripple through society, producing technology tools and best practices for connected action. At this week’s annual TED conference, Knight is running a workshop on online engagement that features members of the TED community from the business, political and social sectors, and sponsoring a pavilion centered on Tech for Engagement, that will be the scene of several problem-solving TED challenges. “Understanding how ideas turn into action is a key priority for many in our community," said Chris Anderson, TED's Curator. "We're excited to be building a new web feature to track the impact some of our talks have. And it's been thrilling to see the demand for participation in our challenges initiative at TED2013." About Tech for Engagement Knight Foundation’s Tech for Engagement Initiative sees the potential of technology to transform democracy by allowing people to directly engage with neighbors and leaders in ways we have not yet imagined. An early funder in this nascent field, Knight has seen visible progress in this area, with online tools gathering opinions on civic issues, and open platforms making some government functions more efficient. Through this funding and other projects, the foundation seeks to fulfill the true potential of engaging citizens in solving the major challenges of their communities. About the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts. We believe that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged. For more, visit www.knightfoundation.org. Contacts: Andrew Sherry, Vice President/Communications, (305) 908-2677, media@knightfoundation.org And: http://kng.ht/Xwxgye Knight doubles down on tech’s potential to connect communities for action For several years, an important slice of Knight Foundation’s grantmaking has been devoted to finding ways communities can use technology to connect for action. Nothing will ever replace face-to-face contact, but the new found ability of huge portions of the earth’s population to connect to one another instantly is clearly transformative. Our goal is to help those transformative benefits flow to places they won’t automatically go on their own, starting with physical communities. We’d like see technology enable broad-based engagement, amplify what it means to be a citizen and ultimately revitalize democracy. Two years ago we labeled this field Tech for Engagement, and we’ve seen its potential confirmed by some early successes. New tools are getting people more deeply engaged in community life, whether that means building playgrounds, conducting community planning or finding ways to make government more transparent. Many of these innovations however are limited in scope and scalability. The potential of Tech for Engagement will only be realized when connected citizens not only report potholes, but use technology to address society’s big problems and opportunities. We believe technology can help people create solutions together in ways we haven’t yet imagined. That is unlikely to happen on its own, so we are building an infrastructure to make it possible. Market forces aren’t – yet - propelling droves of people into civic tech careers. To push the field, funders need to step in to help build a corps of civic-minded technologists who are passionate about using their skills for the greater good. So today, we’re excited to announce $9 million in funding to Code for America, New York University and TED to help develop the people, ideas and infrastructure to realize the potential of Tech for Engagement. We’re starting this week at TED, whose robust community of designers and problem solvers routinely produce breakthrough “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Knight is partnering with TED to amplify and measure the impact of those ideas as they ripple through society, producing tools and solutions. Over the weekend, Knight ran a series of workshops at TED annual conference where executives from Google, Zappos, IBM, and the political sector lent their online engagement expertise to challenges in the civic sector. In the future, two TED Fellows will be working on projects that use tech to engage communities. It’s the beginning of what we hope will mean more good tech-driven and people-centered ideas scaled to cities around the country. In addition, we’re working with the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University to create a learning network of technologists and social entrepreneurs at leading universities around the country. The network will not only provide training but also help about 100 communities across the country identify challenges, and then use technology to solve them. One of the things we love about this project is the way it will put people front and center in helping to design their own solutions. As these projects unfold, the MacArthur Foundation will help measure their impact and disseminate the findings to develop the field. Beth Noveck, former deputy White House CTO, is leading this along with other leaders including Clay Shirky, Susan Crawford, Archon Fung and others. Finally, we’ll also help Code for America reach 13 communities. Knight was the first foundation to invest in Code for America, and we’ve been proud to watch it grow to become a network of more than 500 civic tech leaders in more than 40 cities. Day to day it shows cities what’s possible with today’s technology – by embedding fellows in city governments to find local solutions and recruiting volunteers to help make their communities more open and participatory. One woman in New Orleans was so moved by an app that shows all blighted properties in the city that she went up to the fellow after the meeting and gave him a hug, presumably relieved to have visibility into what the government was doing in her own neighborhood. Knight Foundation believes that no one is better qualified to govern an informed and engaged community than its own citizens. With Tech for Engagement, we hope to help them do just that. By Damian Thorman, national program director at Knight Foundation Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/democracy Tel/Text: +1.612.234.7072
Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 15:42:56 UTC