- From: Peter Krantz <peter@peterkrantz.se>
- Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 10:33:44 +0100
- To: <domingo.arroyo@mecd.es>
- Cc: <public-egov-ig@w3.org>, <phila@w3.org>
19 nov 2012 kl. 10:19 skrev <domingo.arroyo@mecd.es>: > But the aim of our project SERBER refers to the description of the library, library-related institutions and individuals in relation to the institutions. That's the reason we use the flexibility of ISO 2146:2010. The purpose of SERBER is to provide a centralized data management and reuse for our applications and eventually for external applications. Ah, sorry for my sloppy reading :-) This topic is an interesting approach and may be closely related to descriptions of public sector organizations in general. Most datasets emerging from open data initiatives need provenance metadata about organizations. We have discovered that in Sweden there are no suitable identifiers for such organizations (meaning that everyone is creating their own). Maybe this could be a topic for W3C e-government efforts - best practices for describing the institutions of the public sector itself? Regards, Peter
Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 09:34:15 UTC