- From: Peter Krantz <peter@peterkrantz.se>
- Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:42:09 +0100
- To: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>, domingo.arroyo@mecd.es
- Cc: public-egov-ig@w3.org
16 nov 2012 kl. 12:18 skrev Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>: > The report is focussed on libraries which is an important use case for linked data. I'd need to check but I believe the British Library has done rather more in the field of linked data than the report suggests but that's by the by. And Europeana might be worth a look too in this regard ;-) In Sweden our National library catalog (Libris) is publishing the entire catalog and authorities as linked open data (and has been using linked data since 2008) including a syndication mechanism over Atom. What I particularly like is that they have done a lot of work to connect authority items to DbPedia items (e.g. authors) which enables a whole new set of use cases. In line with 5-star linked open data I guess. For more details see: - http://www.slideshare.net/brocadedarkness/libris-linked-library-data - http://librisbloggen.kb.se/tag/linked-data/ - …and licensing discussion in relation to WorldCat: http://librisbloggen.kb.se/2012/04/19/clarification-regarding-worldcat-membership-2/ Regards, Peter Krantz
Received on Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:42:37 UTC