[Minutes] 2012-11-16

Minutes of today's eGov IG meeting are at


And copied below as text for those that prefer it that way (like me :-))

                         eGov IG 16 November 2012

16 Nov 2012

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2012/11/16-egov-irc


           +1.508.333.aaaa, +1.303.869.aabb, bhyland, PhilA2,
           GannonDick, +1.703.281.aacc, GwynSutherlin, thschee,
           bgryth, brand, +3539149aaee, DeirdreLee, Jeanne_Holm,

           Jeanne Holm

           PhilA2, Jeanne, Bernadette


      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Summary of ISWC2012, ISWC, ISWC12
          2. [5]Plans for topic or Open data
          3. [6]Bernadette Hyland on TPAC 2012
          4. [7]Brian Gryth on Open Data
          5. [8]Daniel Bennett Plans for Summarizing eGov
          6. [9]WWW2013 Brazil

    <bhyland> good morning all

    <GwynSutherlin> I think I'm an IP caller too

    <Jeanne_Holm> Um, me too.

    <Jeanne_Holm> Good day all.

    <bgryth> Good day all

    <bhyland>  Agenda

    <bhyland> • 0800-0810: Open Data Kickoff (Jeanne Holm)

    <bhyland> • 0810-0830: 2012 TPAC Overview (Bernadette Hyland)

    <bhyland> ◦ TPAC 2012:


    <bhyland> ◦ TPAC 2012:


    <bhyland> • 0830-0855: OpenColorado (Brian Gryth)

    <bhyland> • 0855-0920: Plans for Summarizing eGov Discussions
    (Daniel Bennett)

    <bhyland> • 0920-0930: Call for session on open data at
    [12]http://www2013.org/ (Jeanne Holm)

      [12] http://www2013.org/

    ISWC info at [13]http://iswc2012.semanticweb.org/

      [13] http://iswc2012.semanticweb.org/

    <GannonDick> I have no idea what I'm doing

Summary of ISWC2012, ISWC, ISWC12

    <Jeanne_Holm> The keynote I gave is online already at

      [14] http://www.slideshare.net/jeanneholm1/iswc-2012-keynote

    <Jeanne_Holm> Gannon...follow what I do...

    <GannonDick> got it

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: ISWC2012 was very good, every other
    poster session referenced linked data, which was a change

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Previously was OWL, inferencing, and was
    more about big data and scaling

    <GannonDick> bhyland: half from Europe

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Largely European, next Asia, next
    US--but clearly global impact. Perhaps 700+ at the conference

    <Jeanne_Holm> :-)

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Big projects, large scale, commercial
    projects as well

    <bgryth> yeah iTirage

    <Jeanne_Holm> iTriage was started by two doctors from Colorado

    Jeanne_Holm: Thanks everyone who has been participating in the
    last 3 months or so
    ... Trying to get people from different and diverse countries
    ... we've concluded proceedings on social media for now. Daniel
    is going to talk about how we're going to craft an actual W3C
    Note from that

Plans for topic or Open data

    Jeanne_Holm: Talks coming up on aggregating and using open data
    ... starting with broad scale over views and we'll then get
    into more specifics
    ... we can extend the series as long as the group wants us to

Bernadette Hyland on TPAC 2012

    <Jeanne_Holm> I got it Phil...

    <bhyland>  TPAC 2012:


    <bhyland>     ◦    TPAC 2012:


    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: At TPAC 2012 this year eGov and Gov
    Linked Data groups did not have a formal event, although they
    did last year

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: The technical plenary and advisory
    committee (TPAC) is where the 380 member organizations have a
    chance to impact the priorities of the W3C

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: W3C staff can also share what is going
    on with the overall organization. Each member company (like IBM
    or Oracle) gets one representative.

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: W3C put on an amazing event and the
    blogs posted above contain my notes

    Pretty much any and all praise for the organisation of TPAC is
    due to the rather wonderful Alex

      [17] http://www.w3.org/People/all#alex

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Jeff''s key point was that the W3C is in
    early phase of adoption and was grounded that there is a lot to
    be done

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Big project with focus is HTML5 but
    won't be published formally as a standard until 2014

    Web Platform [18]http://www.webplatform.org/

      [18] http://www.webplatform.org/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Web developers of all kinds should have
    a place on the web where they can get access to documentation
    (Doug Shepherd?) which is the clearing house

    <Jeanne_Holm> correction: Web Platform as noted

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: There is a Department of Education grant
    to the W3C for the person to help lead the accessibility
    group--very cool and impressive with the number of people who
    are producing the platform at all levels of abilities

    Worth noting that our Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are
    cited in the legislation of several countries (as well as more
    in gov guidelines)

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Extraordinary experience, who's who of
    thought leaders, not academic like ISWC. You should definitely
    participate and plan to attend when able. Well honed W3C

    Community Groups and Business Groups have replaced Incubator
    Groups as the quick start, lightweight process for
    bringing/airing work at W3C

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Community groups are new to W3C--if
    someone has an idea for something (like Henry Story on WebID)
    and gets 5 people to agree, then they can propose a community.

    <Daniel_Bennett> Jenni Tennison did a great key note about
    linking RDF, JSON as well as HTML and XML

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: JSON developers proposed a spec for
    working with linked data as an example (had been initiated by a
    community group)

    -> JSON-LD Community Group

      [19] http://www.w3.org/community/json-ld/

    ->emerging JSON-LD syntax spec

      [20] http://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld-syntax/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Great way for companies to be able to
    contribute to the open web platform

    <Daniel_Bennett> video by Jenni Tennison about linking RDF,
    JSON, HTML, and XML

      [21] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K_CAiVyqTQ

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Big emphasis was on HTML5, mobile
    support and devices, and the Open Web Platform

    <GannonDick> jalapenos for pizza available ?

    Ooh, thanks Daniel_Bennett I've not seen that

    <bhyland> #1 theme from Gov't breakout was:

    <bhyland> Everyone wants ROI stories for publication &
    consumption of Linked Data.

    <bhyland> #2 - Common problem is overwhelming government
    officials with tech speak. Consider having a template from
    which internal champions can pull language:

    <bhyland> • Financial benefits

    <bhyland> • Social responsibility benefits

    <bhyland> • Legal & regulatory benefits

    <bhyland> • Technical benefits

    <bhyland> #3 theme - Need to document on W3C site compelling
    applications using Linked Data are critical, beef up SWEO
    concept & bring it up to date for LD deployments in the wild.
    This will help Gartner too.


      [22] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/images/d/d6/Gryth_OpenData_eGov.ppt

    Jeanne_Holm: Thanks Bernadette. We're seeing real traction on
    data across the board - good stuff!

Brian Gryth on Open Data

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: The vision of Open Colorado is that we
    are looking to support transformation that is happening in
    goverment that will be more beautiful, simply and easy to use

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We are created to help make that happen

    slide 3

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Education, tools, and partnerships are
    the focus

    Slide 4

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Education = W3C, Code for America, OKF
    involvement, plus CGATE, which is open government at local

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: DenverCog--regional group that works with
    governments to free up the data

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: OpenColorado helps to host data as well

    <Jeanne_Holm> Colorado Municipal League--city managers and
    attorneys, presentations on what open government is and
    touching on open data and policies that are needed

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Social media trainings, and
    CityCamps--last one in October and a combo

    <Jeanne_Holm> [23]http://opencolorado.org/citycamp-colorado/

      [23] http://opencolorado.org/citycamp-colorado/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: The tool component is at

      [24] http://data.opencolorado.org/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We look at how to make data findable and
    get it out. We have Denver, Arvada, Boulder, Castlerock, and
    counties of Denver and Boulder. A CKAN instance from OKF.

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Went with CKAN based on Data.gov.uk model
    of using open source platform and tools (US Data.gov was custom
    built at that time)

    <Jeanne_Holm> (Personal note: Data.gov released open source
    code on Github now too ;-)

      [25] https://github.com/opengovplatform

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: First city camp had a lot of CEOs and
    CIOs saying that data was open, but didn't know how to go to
    the next step with policies

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We sat down and wrote a policy based on
    President Obama's open government directive and created a model
    policy that looked at the ways to create a policy

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Cook County adopted as well as others

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Technology + policy component

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We are a small group and this is not our
    main jobs, so we need help to build capacity and we partner
    with governments

    we're now on slide 6

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: A lot of gov attorneys do not know about
    IP, but there is a shift now and we are helping them understand
    about open record requests, digital material, and trademarks
    and open data and open gov

    <bhyland> @bgryth, do you want to take questions interleaved or
    at end?

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: At same time as this CityCamp, there was
    Denver StartUp week and we ran events on civic innovation

      [26] http://denverstartupweek.com/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Had an apps challenge and got two
    winners: Open Bike (bike lockers, thefts, paths) lets people
    create and rate bike routes (overview at

      [27] http://opencolorado.org/citycamp-colorado-2012-presenters/)

    <GwynSutherlin> Indy needs an app like that. they are bike/car
    planning challenged

    Apps around bicyle usage is interesting. How do you comment on
    a point of interest along the route? i.e. how do you represent
    a POI I wonder

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Second winner: Displaying and visualizing
    the data around crime

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Next focus is on rural communities that
    may not have digital literacy or technologies, they give a lot
    back to the big cities, so how to help each other

    <GwynSutherlin> internet access in rural US is worse than in
    middle of amazon

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We are creating an Adopt a City program
    (slide 7) that over 4 years helps rural cities get up and
    running through training and mentorship

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Code for Communities:

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Code for communities:

      [28] http://codeforcommunities.org/

    <bgryth> denver-wiki.org

    <Jeanne_Holm> [29]http://denver-wiki.org

      [29] http://denver-wiki.org/

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Storify on CityCamp:

      [30] http://storify.com/michelehovet/citycampco-2012.

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Host to Host a City Camp:

      [31] http://www.govtech.com/govgirl/How-to-Host-a-CityCamp.html

    <bhyland> whew! Does bgryth breath??

    <GannonDick> don't think so

    bhyland: Are you one of the oldest city open gov data efforts?

    <Jeanne_Holm> (Gannon--are you up for scribing the next talk?)

    bgryth: We're first to adopt CKAN in the USA

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We started using CKAN in 2010

    bgryth: we're one of the older ones

    <GannonDick> trying jeanne can't type fst enough

    <Jeanne_Holm> bhyland: Questions: would it make sense to get a
    funded model? Have you surveyed or gotten seed funding?

    bhyland: Huge achievements so far, but hwo about getting
    funding so it moves out of the willing volunteer sphere

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: We have some funding to support website

    bgryth: We have some funding for the hosting (on Amazon)

    <Jeanne_Holm> Thanks!

    bgryth: We're going to have to look at different models. WE
    have a lot of partners. Denver almost doubled our catalogue.
    DRCOG is the largest and we're getting that by scraping their
    ... need to look at improving that
    ... right now it's free for the gov. We'd like to change that
    ... need a more sustainable model
    ... got ideas on working with other portals. Want to integrate
    across not just catalogues bu catalogue platforms
    ... the 6 of us that do this are running at capacity. We need

    bhyland: The other comment I'd make... I work on getting
    federal data published. Screen scraped data is likely to back
    fire as it is brittle
    ... no thought about licences, URI persistence etc.
    ... feels like a bunch of enthusiastic university folk. Needs
    broader/state/federal level support
    ... I want to help make it more sustainable

    bgryth: I agree... we want to make sure that we do what you're
    ... needs to become sustainable
    ... I don't want it to become like a box ticking exercise with
    no commitment
    ... they need to put resources behind it

    <bhyland> It is *really* important that our open government
    data efforts are implemented in a sustainable manner, with
    OSI-approved Open Licenses are associated with data sets, and
    other key metadata about publication frequency, disclaimers,

    <bhyland> … and well considered Web architecture

    <bhyland> … and done in a scalable manner that avoid data

    bgryth: For the hackathon, we didn't give prize money, we got a
    management firm to give them their kind of help to help them be
    more sustainable


      [32] http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/openstandards

    <Jeanne_Holm> PhilA2: Interesting to see the different
    perspective where there is investment in the UK and here in
    Colorado it's a volunteer effort for OpenColorado

    <Jeanne_Holm> PhilA2: Are there standards you wish existed if
    people would use them?

    <bhyland> RE: W3C Government Linked Data Standards …

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: There are a lot of organizations looking
    at the problems around this

    <Jeanne_Holm> bgryth: Trying to form a CKAN association and
    then work with the W3C

    <bhyland> @ggryth - I'd invite you to consider discussing /
    contributing some of the lessons learned about managing
    datasets to help it become codified in a W3C published Best
    Practices doc ...

    <Jeanne_Holm> (Daniel--are you set?)

    <bhyland> bgryth: License

    <bhyland> Select the license under which the data is
    released.OpenColorado recommends either of the following


Daniel Bennett Plans for Summarizing eGov Discussions

    <bgryth> Thanks everyone!

    See wiki [34]http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Plans

      [34] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Plans

    <Daniel_Bennett> [35]http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Plans

      [35] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Plans

    <bhyland> @pgryth, thank you for a very comprehensive dive on
    Open Colorado, great work! Very interesting, thank you.

    Daniel_Bennett: The idea is that for each of these, we'll have
    a meeting to get us towards a concrete/finsihed product. These
    will be separate from the monthly eGov IG meetings
    ... Series of Meetings

    Whiteboard/Ideas session




    First Draft Deadline

    Executive Summary/One pager

    Editorial Session for content

    Editorial Session for accessibility, proofing, readability

    W3C vetting

    Daniel_Bennett: Delegation - volunteers often dry up so here's
    where we get people to commit to deliver a section
    ... that will tell us how real this is


    <bhyland> Who is the target audience for this writeup?

    We can be quick when we have to be, honestly...

    <bhyland> @Daniel_Bennett … can you provide the 50,000' view of
    what you're aiming to achieve with this writeup please?

    Daniel_Bennett: We may use the wiki or we may have a secretary
    (prob me) who will collect text in whatever format and add it
    to the wiki

    <Jeanne_Holm> Target audience is for the larger community of
    eGov people who are not actually on the calls themselves.

    Daniel_Bennett: I think having a checklist for gov workers is
    ... it can be something generic enough for everyone to use and
    can be tailored to specific circumstances

    <Jeanne_Holm> Daniel_Bennett: Have a menu for social media to
    broaden the possibilities


      [36] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Checklist_for_Social_Media

    <bhyland> @Jeanne_Holm, so is it a summary of all the eGov
    meetings or a work product like a best practices doc?

    Daniel_Bennett: The idea is that there is a process - rules
    etc. on how they do things. So first thing would be to draw a
    diagram of how they do things in that department

    <Jeanne_Holm> Bhyland--a work product that will highlight some
    best practices (not to be an exhaustive research project) and
    the important things for gov implementers and those in the
    field to be aware of based on research and implementations
    presented from our group.

    <bhyland> @jeanne_holm, thanks, understand.

    Daniel_Bennett: Then any legal issues. The federal gov has a
    specific contract. Others might have similar things to deal
    with. Accessibility, privacy etc.
    ... May be rules on moderation
    ... May be rules on publishing government communications,
    activities etc.
    ... In the whiteboard session I can look at the different
    layers so folks can see who they'll need to talk to
    ... Moves on to the menu

      [37] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Menu_for_Social_Media

    <Jeanne_Holm> q

    Daniel_Bennett: Hoping to have a meeting every 2 weeks to make
    progress. Hope people are interested to lend a hand

    Jeanne_Holm: I just want to mention a couple of things. You've
    done some of these before - I like the framework
    ... You didn't volunteer to do everything.

    Daniel_Bennett: I volunteered to do the social media one

    Jeanne_Holm: We're looking for volunteers for this but also to
    do the same thing for the open data series as well

    Daniel_Bennett: Any questions or, better still, offers of help?

    <Jeanne_Holm> Please make sure to include me on the meeting for
    social media write up!

    Daniel_Bennett: I'll take help from outsdie the Interest Group!

    bhyland: I would encourage at least quarterly attendance for
    some folk here in the GLD Working Group

      [38] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/

    <Jeanne_Holm> These are great meetings and I enoucrage people
    to attend as well. I attend as able.

    bhyland: The vocab discussions may not be the ones of greatest
    interest but the best practice meetings would be - procurement,
    publishing etc.

    brand: In a broader perspective... all this work with
    government open data and linked data should have started in a
    different way. Should have started with most interesting data
    and then move other data sets to the same direction

    <Jeanne_Holm> Brand: This should have started in a different
    way with the best data from the gov agencies in the best
    standards and then to move the rest of the data that way.

    brand: We tried to make data.gov that way but it ended up
    essentially being an IT project
    ... I'm writing a paper for the Japanese government. They
    started with CKAN. I've been asked to take the statistical data
    they have and put that into a standardised linked data format
    as well as the CKAN data
    ... It's all about trying to take the best data a country has
    first and then get the open data to match

WWW2013 Brazil

    Jeanne_Holm: Are we interested in organising a session on
    eGov/Open data?
    ... It could be based on the social media Note that we should
    have published by then, possibly the one on open data by then
    ... If we can come together in the coming weeks and see who
    wants to be involved - it's a good opportunity for the group

    General call for help with flights

    <bhyland> PhilA2: The W3C staff involved in Society &
    Technology Activity believe the tech stack is nearly complete.

    <bgryth> @bhyland - we would be happy to discuss lessons
    learned. Let me know how you'd like to do that.

    <Jeanne_Holm> PhilA2: OKF and UK ODI event on Open Data on the
    Web: use, discovery, find it programmatically, vocabulary

    <bhyland> Next requirements involve: #1 - Validation; #2 -
    Programmatic & developer access & re-use of data; #3 -
    Vocabulary development (some being done in W3C GLD WG), looking
    to consider more 'crowd sourced' approaches ...

    <Jeanne_Holm> PhilA2: This is just tentative and may happen

    European data Forum 2013 [39]http://2013.data-forum.eu/

      [39] http://2013.data-forum.eu/

    <bhyland> European Data Forum, 9-10 April in Dublin Ireland …
    all about open data + Linked Data

    <bhyland> Yeah!

    Jeanne_Holm: Next meeting at this time is on 14th Dec
    ... Rufus Pollock is scheduled for the next IG meeting which is
    on 26th Nov 09:00GMT - bad for US folk, sorry
    ... Brain Handspicker has volunteered to scribe next time.

    <bhyland> @jeanne-holm, perhaps a 15 debrief on GLD WG
    including community directory work makes sense … a brief on
    what we've completed in last 16 mos & plan for remaining months
    of our charter (7 mos).

    <Daniel_Bennett> thanks Jeanne. volunteers can list their names
    on the Plans wiki page or email me daniel@citizencontact.com


Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 16 November 2012 17:42:06 UTC