RE: Tools for eGovernance

Paola, your plan for ISTCS is now available in the StratML collection at or, more specifically, & Please note that I made a few
adjustments in the latter rendition of your plan.  Your goal
f5b280d48>  should be exciting to many people.


When Andre has imported your plan into his StratML portal
<> , his form
<>  can be
used to flesh it out as a performance plan, with designated roles and
performance indicators.  I trust that he will be happy to have folks like
you use his portal to post their plans and reports.


However, the vision of the StratML standard is:  A worldwide web of
intentions, stakeholders, and results . meaning that folks should be free to
post their plans and reports wherever they choose on the public Web.
Service providers should compete for the privilege not only to host StratML
formatted plans and reports but also to make the information and data they
contain readily usable and useful to stakeholders.  MarkLogic, for example,
is redeveloping their StratML search service. 


BTW, while I was at it, I also converted ISTCS's somewhat more formal about
us statement, at 




From: [] On Behalf Of
Paola Di Maio
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:10 AM
To: eGov IG (Public)
Subject: Fwd: Tools for eGovernance



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paola Di Maio <>
Date: Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Tools for eGovernance
To: Owen Ambur <>





Paola, don't get me started on the term "governance" . which all-too-often
implies trying to gain the upper hand, politically speaking, to force
*others* to do things, rather than focusing on that which we could and
should do for ourselves, in partnership with those who share not only our
values but also our objectives.


Thank you for the reminder that this group is still not started taking steps
(unless I missed it) toward creating a shared definition for egovernance
(see previous emails). Not sure if the members of the group have been
surveyed yet to see what definition would work for them etc. (but we had
some exhcnages on this list to that effect) 


BTW, it is good to see that you have documented a mission and personal goal
at  Imagine what might be
accomplished if multitudes of people were to document not only their
longer-term goals but also their near-term objectives on the Web in an
*open, standard, machine-readable format* like StratML.


Thank yo for the prompt

I have gone to STRATHML creator and created a test file to start with-

is there  a directory of strathml files I can load to>









Owen Ambur

Co-Chair, AIIM StratML <>  Committee

Co-Chair Emeritus, <>  CoP

Communications/Membership Director, FIRM <> 

Former Project Manager, <> 

Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG



From: Holm, Jeanne M (1760) [] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 6:30 AM
To: Tim Davies;
Cc: eGov IG (Public)

Subject: Re: Tools for eGovernance


Paola and Tim--


It is less about which tools can and could be used (there are many), than
about the policies of the bodies which govern and convene the meetings.  My
understanding is that the W3C has good reasons why they do not actually
record or make recordable the verbal discussions and broadcasts from the
meetings.  For this group, therefore, I abide by those rules.


However, there could certainly be an interesting discussion on the list and
in our meetings on how best to accomplish (or what ways we could accomplish)
the easiest participation in such activities if policies were changed or for
groups where the policies are different.



Jeanne Holm
U.S. General Services Administration

Cell: (818) 434-5037
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm


From: Tim Davies <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:18:10 +0000
To: <>
Cc: "eGov IG (Public)" <>
Subject: Re: Tools for eGovernance
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:18:59 +0000


Just a quick pointer to an interesting Working Draft from the IETF on Remote


As IETF highlight, and as is mirrored by my experience last week trying to
remote participate in the Internet Governance Forum, which has also worked
hard to support remote panelists and participation, the right mix of tools
and practices to support remote participation in face-to-face meetings, and
effective cross-platform online-only meetings, currently still seem somewhat


There has been the suggestion in past Internet Governance Forum discussions
on Remote Participation that it would be good to have a shared project
between a number of conferences / fora which have a governance function to
develop shared tools, principles and guidance for e-Participation in
meetings - but as yet nothing has come of this. Perhaps it's something that
could have connections to the eGov meeting.


All the best



On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Paola Di Maio <>

just a quick household note 


I may have asked this before, apologies for repetition


I find it hard to understand why the calls are not broadcast using some
webex type application

(  is free and works well and there are others)


While when I am based at the office I have free calls to most countries and
can easily spend hours on the phone

without breaking the budget for this effort however when I travel (which in
the last few months has been a constant and it is likely to get worse)

it's difficult, expensive and not always possible to get on the phone long


This means I cannot volunteer to scribe (I am sure it would be my turn at
some point)


I must say that I have the same observation for other similar events, for
example I could not attend in person

yesterday the #sw2022 session at #iswc2012 ,  so sorry I am missing the
opportunity to meet in person so many of you!!




dex=2&feature=plcp> &list=UUcxJu04fCSkU9x1e7BwYYHQ&index=2&feature=plcp



I would have expected a virtual connection to present remotely and take part
in the panel discussion remotely, but apparently this was not even
contemplated by the organisers


the bottom line is: how can we eGovern ourselves, without adopting the
necessary eGovernance tools?


This brings up another possible topic for discussion, 'Principles and Tools
for eGovernance' (sine qua non)


I d love to present a topic or two, and to scribe, when the facilities are


In the meantime, keep it growing :-)








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Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 18:18:17 UTC