Re: [Invitation] Semantic Interoperability Conference 2012

Interesting, thanks Gannon.

It is clear that no matter how much techies shout that URIs are dumb 
strings - of course they are brands too. A recurring issue in eGov 
circles (we've talked about it) is that, for example, the US gov isn't 
going to use any data with a URI on and, even within the EU, 
countries like the UK would think 17 times before using for 
anything (we're in the EU but more than half of the population sees 
Europe as a foreign land - I'm in the minority on not holding this view). doesn't exist, but does. In the 
Netherlands it's - so the string 'gov' is not 
always needed (and I know the US folks get really annoyed when the rest 
of us refer to 'data gov' meaning or any of the above 
mentioned portals.

Re your question - are you offering to come to Brussels and present your 
work at the SEMIC conference? I am not responsible for organising the 
event but I work closely with those that are. Drop a like to Debora Di 
Giacomo (cc'd) if I've understood you correctly.


On 14/05/2012 23:42, Gannon Dick wrote:
> Thanks Phil,
> This opinion [1] if effected somewhere down the line would have a bearing on the issue of the "" brand (gTLD).  That would include (ccTLD=UK), (ccTLD=US) and many others.  There is no "", and that's not the issue for branding and Trademarks, but when you federalize the ccTLD, you risk losing sight of subdivisions and overseas dependencies, and the UK, France, the Netherlands (off the top of my head) and others, have overseas dependencies with seriously nice beaches and climate :o)  In terms of gTLD branding, "{gTLD}" is a possible domain name, but does not supply a Government service.  The gTLD is an official supplier of something, but not Government Data.
> I have a solution (amounting to carefully tabulating ccTLD's as gTLD's) if you are interested, but I'm not sure if this is actually on the radar yet.
> --Gannon
> [1]
> ________________________________
>   From: Phil Archer<>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 10:33 AM
> Subject: [Invitation] Semantic Interoperability Conference 2012
> I believe this will be of interest to several members of the IG. It is at the start of a week of events in Brussels in Mid-June. This one is on the Monday, then on the Tuesday/Wednesday there's the Using Open Data Workshop I'm organising under the Crossover project (position papers due by this Saturday!) and then it's the Digital Agenda Assembly on the Thurs/Fri/. A busy week!
>   Semantic Interoperability Conference 2012
> Dear  Sir / Madam,
> We are pleased to invite you to the:
>   Semantic Interoperability Conference 2012
> SEMIC 2012 offers an opportunity to explore and discuss how semantic interoperability solutions are being embraced by eGovernment initiatives. The main topics of interest include:
> 	* The practical use of semantic technologies such as RDF, OWL and SPARQL.
> 	* The work of standardisation organisations in the field of semantic technologies.
> 	* The business case for ICT projects to consider the use of semantic tehcnologies.
> Monday, June 18, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GMT+0100)
> Madou Plaza Tower (Brussels)
> Auditorium - Ground Floor
> 1 Place Madou
> 1210 Brussels
> Belgium
> View Map
> If you are interested to learn more about semantic technologies, join the SEMIC 2012 conference in Brussels on 18th June 2012. This is a free and open event, however registration is required and places are limited. Register now!
> Visit the conference website for detailed information.
> We are looking forward to welcoming you,
> Débora Di Giacomo
> - on behalf of the ISA Programme of the European Commission
> Share this event on LinkedIn and Twitter - #SEMIC2012
>    Phil Archer, W3C for
> The Joinup Team


Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 17:15:44 UTC