RE: UC9 and OGD,Interop -- Re: plan to finish document and re-charter Group [was: Re: Plain Language use case [was RE: Suggestion for Introduction]

Thanks Jose. 

I see your point and agree. 

I would suggest the following addition in the text to emphasize on the need for metadata and to reflect something that is upcoming (see also the CEN eGov group document for the service model they propose):

"Using a Semantic Web approach, public organizations would publish  

datasets annotated with domain specific vocabularies and/or metadata (e.g. using a common and generic service model to annotate public services) - and offer a query interfaces for applications to access the  public

information in a non-predefined way. This would greatly boost the  

ability of third parties to use and reuse the information provided by  

public governments, in ways and applications perhaps unforeseen (and  

unforeseable) by them. "


Best regards,




-----Original Message-----
From: Jose M. Alonso [] 
Sent: 28 April 2009 12:15
To: Peristeras, Vassilios
Subject: UC9 and OGD,Interop -- Re: plan to finish document and re-charter Group [was: Re: Plain Language use case [was RE: Suggestion for Introduction]


Hi Vassilios,


El 25/04/2009, a las 11:55, Peristeras, Vassilios escribió:

> Thanks Jose,


> I am wondering where the UC9 [1] could be included in the document.

> I could see it alternatively in:

> a) What Are the Main Issues with Publishing Open Government Data? As  

> a challenge for annotating data about public services using a common  

> RDFa schema, or

> b) in the interoperability section either in the How Can  

> Interoperability Be Achieved? Or in the What Are the Main Issues to  

> Achieve Interoperability? sub-sections.


> If you (or someone else) give me an indication of where to include  

> the idea I could distill the UC description in a small paragraph.

> ...

> [1]


ISSUE-32 opened.


It could probably fit in any of the sections you mention. Several  

sections overlap and I nwo Suzanne and Kevin will take another look to  

the whole document soon in case some need to be re-arranged.


Said that, we have not referenced any of the use cases from the doc  

and I'd prefer us not to do so. I consider the ones in the wiki draft  

use cases and it still needs to be decided what to do with them, as I  

said in previous email.


I think there's already a bit in OGD that's even more generic than UC9  

and that covers this well enough for now:

"Using a Semantic Web approach, public organizations would publish  

datasets - and offer a query interface for applications to access the  

information in a non-predefined way. This would greatly boost the  

ability of third parties to use and reuse the information provided by  

public governments, in ways and applications perhaps unforeseen (and  

unforeseable) by them. "


As much as I like RDFa, I think there's enough emphasis on it right  

above that piece, too, and adding more might make the section a bit  

too biased on that specific standard.






Jose M. Alonso <>    W3C/CTIC

eGovernment Lead        

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 09:35:42 UTC