Re: doc editing, authors and call for technical editor -- Re: a new member weighs in

Also, I've just started to edit the document online, noting where some  
issues are and updatind some text according to discussions. You can  
track changes with any HTML diff tool.

Original doc:
Current draft:

W3C has one available at:
although it seems it has some issues at the tail end of the doc


El 23/04/2009, a las 14:39, Jose M. Alonso escribió:
> All,
> I'm happy to announce Suzanne Acar has volunteered to do the  
> technical editorship part. Once again, thanks Suzanne!
> Suzanne and Kevin will coordinate and plan and I'll take care of the  
> W3C pubrules compliance and publishing process.
> Best,
> Jose.
> El 21/04/2009, a las 12:56, Jose M. Alonso escribió:
>> Hi again Sharron,
>> This one on the bit about how editing and authorship is handled and  
>> the need for a technical editor.
>> A couple months ago, Chairs and me asked people to contribute to  
>> the document. Not much response due to people's time constraints  
>> mainly, so we decided to take ownership of sections to coordinate  
>> content there and others could help with text and ideas [1].
>> The main authors were slightly updated subsequently and a current  
>> list is the one below. Kevin also took responsibility for editing  
>> the document for coherence and I for making it W3C pubrules  
>> compliant and go through the publishing process.
>> It has been suggested to us that we might want one person with  
>> technical editorship expertise give a read and make some final  
>> changes. We agree but don't have such background.
>> Do you? Would anybody with such background like to mainly join  
>> Kevin and help us in that sense? Job will be intense but short term  
>> if we want to publish by mid May.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Jose.
>> Group Note sections and main authors so far
>> -------------------------------------------
>> * Introduction (Kevin)
>> * A Shift of Perspective: Provide, Engage, Enable (Kevin, John)
>> * Participation and Citizen Engagement (John)
>> * Open Government Data (Jose)
>> * Interoperability (Oscar)
>> * Multi-channel delivery (Miguel)
>> * Identification and Authentication (Daniel)
>> * Long term data management (Chris)
>> * Next Steps (Kevin)
>> [1]
>> El 17/04/2009, a las 17:02, Sharron Rush escribió:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> First congratulations and deepest thanks for the work you have all  
>>> done in producing this document.  I can't think of any more  
>>> important use of technology than to establish an effective two-way  
>>> dialogue between citizens and their governments.  So please know  
>>> that my comments are offered with sincere respect and appreciation  
>>> for all that you have done.
>>> We have been reviewing the document in the WAI Education and  
>>> Outreach Working Group (EOWG) from the point of view of the  
>>> treatment of accessibility for people with disabilities.  EOWG has  
>>> been compiling those comments and they will be submitted  
>>> separately.  My comments here will be more general and are offered  
>>> as an individual rather than a group representative.
>>> The idea of a W3C document about open government/e-government is  
>>> tremendous and timely.  In my opinion, we must make the first  
>>> document a model of the openness and transparency we hope and  
>>> expect for governments to achieve.  With that in mind, I suggest a  
>>> reorganization of the document as follows:
>>> 1. Clarity - why is the document being developed? statement of  
>>> principles and goals
>>> 2. Simplification - move some of the more detailed aspects into  
>>> related documents, but keep first working draft on higher level
>>> 3. Improve focus - The Introduction and a few of the other  
>>> sections are somewhat rambling and do not seem related to each  
>>> other and/or to specific to governmental issues.  The document  
>>> needs to be edited for coherence and narrative flow.
>>> I hesitate to be more specific in my comments since I know that  
>>> there are serious time constraints.  I have been sending the URL  
>>> around to others that I know are interested in e-government and  
>>> who are working on related issues.  One reported back to me that  
>>> she was unable to make her way through the entire doc without  
>>> getting "lost."  Another noted to me (and I hope sent public  
>>> comment)  that the citizen viewpoint needs to be included more  
>>> strongly and that more acknowledgement is needed of the way  
>>> technology enables two-way interactions, not simply a way to make  
>>> existing government more efficient.
>>> I am not sure how the editing is organized, but would suggest that  
>>> whoever leads the development of each section look for ways to  
>>> shorten and clarify and that the editors look for ways to improve  
>>> the structure and the way that sections relate to the overarching  
>>> principles.
>>> Please let me know if this is useful and/or if I can help in any  
>>> way.
>>> Thanks again for taking this on - it is tremendously important!
>>> Best,
>>> Sharron
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Sharron Rush |  Executive Director  | |  512  
>>> 305-0310
>>> Equal access to technology for people with disabilities

Received on Friday, 24 April 2009 23:55:36 UTC