more intro rewriting -- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline [forwarding note to DL on request from Jose]

El 22/04/2009, a las 16:07, Novak, Kevin escribió:
> Tanya,
> Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful comments. Your thoughts  
> and issues are well noted. I will review the front end of the  
> document with your comments in mind and adjust accordingly and as  
> appropriate and see what the group thinks. Jose will add to the  
> tracker as well.

Yup, and thanks again Tanya.

On eGov definition, intro and more rewriting and high level missing  
bits. I'm attaching this one to ISSUE-10 and ISSUE-24.

Kevin, if you think I should open a new different one just let me know.

-- Jose

> Great points.
> Kevin Novak
> Vice President, Integrated Web Strategy and Technology
> The American Institute of Architects
> 1735 New York Avenue, NW
> Washington, DC 20006
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> Honor for the Web
> The American Institute of Architects is the voice of the  
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> to society.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline [forwarding  
> note to DL on request from Jose]
> Thanks for the chance to make some comments on the W3C e-government  
> document.
> Abstract
> The definition of e-government is a bit narrow I think.  It is more  
> than " the use of the Web or other information technologies by  
> governing bodies (local, state, federal, multi-national) to interact  
> with their citizenry, between departments and divisions, and between  
> governments themselves".  Sure, in short form it is the use of  
> technology by governments.  However if we are attempting a formal  
> definition of e-government it needs to be broader.  This view leaves  
> out the transformative philosophy of e-government, which is to re- 
> envision the role of the government from being a bureaucratic/ 
> autocratic black box to helping put the citizen at the center of  
> government, not just for services, but also in terms of  
> participation - helping in some cases bring about a more  
> participative democracy.  I've thought a lot about this issue - as I  
> find definitions are important as they actually end up driving the  
> nature of the work we do.  Pages
> 26-27 of the document below may offer some ideas as well
> Introduction
> Regarding "The idea of government use of the Web and related  
> technologies was born in the late 1990's and culminated in early  
> 2000 as an extension of everything ?e?.
> I don't know if I agree.  I am attaching a paper that Roberto and I  
> worked on that describes some of the history of e-government (CLAD  
> conference) and may be helpful (page 12) (See attached file: The  
> Role of E-9-26-08.doc)
> I don't think the governance/public sector angle has come through  
> completely.
> For instance transparency, participation and accountability, are,  
> from the governance angle, key advantages to using technology in  
> government.  You have covered transparency through the section on  
> open government data.  The section on transparency could be explored  
> more broadly, as the issue is broader than just open data.   
> Participation is covered in the section on participation and  
> engagement.  This section is a lot richer than the transparency  
> section which only covers open government data.  However here you  
> could also talk about some "success" stories such as participatory  
> budgeting in various countries..A section on accountability would  
> also be relevant and useful.
> E-government issues
> This sections brings up a number of important issues that have not  
> been highlighted before.  One important fact that has been hinted at  
> but not explicitly discussed is the emergence or convergence of  
> several new actors in the e-government arena as a result of  
> globalization.  You have several supra-national, national and  
> subnational entities from the public sector, private sector or some  
> hybrid (such as associations, government agencies, transnational  
> public-private partnerships, heads of state, businesses and business  
> associations, NGOs, civil society, international agencies, and  
> policy-based organizations) around a major issue or several very  
> specific issues.  To a large extent, these bodies are working  
> without any explicit governance framework and interact on an ad-hoc  
> basis, thus limiting effectiveness and progress on policy issues.  
> Web 2.0 and integrative technologies could help address this  
> problem.  Other issues that come to mind include the importance of  
> technology-informed legal and judicial reform (the Myspace  
> suicide) ,  and the lack of a service culture or technology  
> education in the public sector,
> These are, but some of the issues that come to mind on a quick  
> reading of the document, and am sending it now in response to your  
> request to send comments before the Apr 26 deadline if possible.   
> Trust this is helpful.
> Best
> Tanya

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2009 14:36:13 UTC