RE: Interoperability ..

Hi Oscar and All,
this paper about interoperability by D. Engelbart is quite interesting. It contains a simple definition of the term by its purpose that could be added to the definition provided by the European Interoperability Framework: “The purpose of interoperability is to avoid having information islands between which information cannot flow effectively”. In the same paper the author addressed the question "what does it cost in dollars to have interoperability?". His response was that the real question is "what does it cost NOT to have it". For example one can calculate what is the cost of a citizen that must stop to work to provide one or more documents to a public administration and of the public servant that receives them. 



Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:00:11 +0200
Subject: Interoperability ..

Hello everybody,


I’m looking at the interoperability section and I suggest
we should push it a little bit forward .. Has someone identified any topic
missing in the current status, or alternative visions?


Another question raised – can someone provide pointers to
experiences / standards / etc. we should mention? For instance, government
interoperability frameworks, etc.





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Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2009 21:59:52 UTC