W3C Recommendations & the FEA TRM

I posted a listing of W3C Recommendations that are and are not currently in
the U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Technical Reference Model
(TRM) at 
http://xml.gov/index.asp#w3c or, more specifically, at

A similar listing for OASIS standards is at

Hopefully, the eGov IG can identify those that are most important to support
its objectives:  http://xml.gov/stratml/WEIG.xml

BTW, the StratML search services at
http://xml.gov/stratml/index.htm#SearchServices can be used to identify
organizations whose strategic plans explicitly reference W3C Recommendations
and OASIS standards.  

For example, it is easy to determine that the Center for Democracy and
Technology (CDT), for which Ari Schwartz toils, is strategically interested
in P3P:

While it would be unreasonable to expect many agencies to explicitly
reference W3C Recommendations or OASIS standards in their general purpose,
overall strategic plans, their IRM/IT plans certainly should address such
technical standards.  Toward that end, it would be good if the eGov IG could
draft a basic "strategic plan" comprising the most important standards for
interoperability, which agencies could use as a "model" (a grossly over used
term) or template (a somewhat less abused term) for their own more detailed
IRM/IT strat plans.


-----Original Message-----
From: public-egov-ig-request@w3.org [mailto:public-egov-ig-request@w3.org]
On Behalf Of Jose M. Alonso
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 5:53 AM
To: Owen Ambur
Cc: public-egov-ig@w3.org; Jim Disbrow; Jane Harnad; susan.turnbull@gsa.gov;
Richard Spivack; Carol Cosgrove-Sacks
Subject: Re: [agenda] eGov IG telecon, 1 October 2008


Thanks. Could you please propose this as a new agenda item at the  
beginning of the call today? I'll be on a plane and will join the call  
late (if at all).

I think we are getting there wrt specific topics. I've seen this one,  
the "legislation on the Web" one, the things Rick should be  
contributing soon, and Chairs discussed about basic WebArch issues  
last Friday (minutes to be sent very soon).


Jose M. Alonso <josema@w3.org>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead                  http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/

El 01/10/2008, a las 4:26, Owen Ambur escribió:
> With reference to the task to identify gaps in existing standards, I  
> have
> identified which OASIS standards are and are not currently included  
> in the
> U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Technical Reference Model  
> (TRM)
> at http://xml.gov/index.asp#oasis or, more specifically,
> http://xml.gov/draft/OASISStandardsFEATRM.htm
> If there is interest in doing so, I would also be happy to begin  
> determining
> which of the W3C Recommendations -- http://www.w3.org/TR/ -- are and  
> are not
> included in the TRM, particularly if there is any interest in using  
> the
> ET.gov site/process to propose that they be included. http://et.gov/
> I look forward to participating in the telecon tomorrow.
> Owen Ambur
> Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP
> Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
> Member, AIIM iECM Committee
> Participant, W3C eGov IG
> Membership Director, FIRM Board
> Former Project Manager, ET.gov

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2008 20:51:25 UTC