outline mentioned on call

Intro / Summary 

1.	executive overview - purpose 

IG objectives 

How the Web can help achieve public policy goals? 

(specifically technologies related to the Web and the variety of access
points available via the web (mashups, mobile, applications, and

1.	Guidelines, examples, and use cases on use of existing standards
for eGovernment and their related successes and failures
	(@@in addition to the technical success it would be ideal to
document the users acceptance of the end product (i.e. are they using
the applications?, finding the information in the ways
presented/available valuable?@@) 
2.	Identification and documentation (including use cases and
examples)of gaps in standards 
3.	Documented needs/standards which do not yet exist or are adopted
(new or modified existing standards (we should recognize here that there
are many industry standards which exist and which work for industry but
governments do not feel address their specific needs and requirements. 
4.	Document and set future roadmap for eGov at W3C
	(@@might not be IG alone, but other WGs if needed@@)
	(@@only to the extent permitted by charter@@)) 


1.	Persona-like(Given the diversity of information and services
provided by governments worldwide, it would be of an advantage to
normalize a set of personas that reflect the variety of different
information and service types.) 

	1.	Create and document a variety of personas which reflect
government to government, government to business, and government to
citizen interactions and information/service needs
		(@@diffficult to set a number until we conduct a full
inventory of the requirements/needs/gaps@@) 
	2.	Apply efforts only to use cases that are adopted by the
governments or are in the process of being adopted, e.g. driven by them.

2.	Describe a (limited) number of issues
	(@@where to stop?? difficult scope@@) 

	1.	Need to document or at least make an inventory of all of
the issues preventing or challenging governments to provide greater
levels of services and information via the Web to its citizens. 
	2.	Condense the issues into a set number where we can
generalize while others may be so specialized or unique but still need
to be included/listed/documented. 

3.	The underlying themes of every story should be one or more of
the public policy goals where applicable 
	(@@listing policy goals separately from "nice to have"
objectives where citizens, businesses, and the like are requesting
service but the governments have not yet addressed??@@) 
	(@@It could provide a good "future" strategy to governments but
also provide a roadmap which they may want to follow.@@) 
4.	We could start describing a given service before and after eGov 

	1.	Paper-based vs. online-based 
		(@@we may want to ask several governments to let us
document paper based vs online for them and provide our input.@@) 

Public policies 

1.	focus just on the topics that can be improved by using Web
standards appropriately 

	1.	Access to public services 
	2.	Transparency 
	3.	Participation 
	4.	Efficiency and efficacy 
		(@@There may be be levels and sub categories to the
above.what categories can exist under each, what does each mean?@@) 

1.	For each policy topic 

	1.	Generic use case 

		1.	Taking stories into account 
		2.	Describing eGov services 

			1.	Should demonstrate current and future
scenarios here 
			2.	There may be many substandard services
and applications out there which are serving the needs but need to be
greatly improved to truly meet the promise of egov 
			3.	We should also highlight the
infrastructure challenges, eg. legacy systems, lack of policies... 

		3.	Should help identify how it's been solved
now(documenting the good and the bad) 
		4.	Should state advantages online vs offline 
			(@@not getting into cost saving discussions,
better focus on the increasing internal efficiencies and improving
greatly service to citizens and constituencies@@) 

	2.	Identify what should be improved 

		1.	Do we have all the Web standards I need to solve
the problem? 

			1.	If so, what standards should I use and
			2.	If not, do I need to create more? what
problems need to be addressed? 

Issue top recommendations 

1.	How should it be improved? 
	(@@we might not want to go into much detail here because of time
constraints and charter scope@@) 

Future roadmap (or how to proceed from here?) 

1.	One year is not much, we need to document the way forward 



Kevin Novak

Vice President, Integrated Web Strategy and Technology

The American Institute of Architects

1735 New York Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20006


Voice:   202-626-7303

Cell:       202-731-0037

Fax:        202-639-7606

Email:    kevinnovak@aia.org

Website: www.aia.org




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Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2008 13:51:38 UTC