EditContext Shipping in Chromium (January 2024) 🥳

congratulations everyone! 🎂 🎆

I would like to thank all those who have been working on this over the
years and especially to Daniel Clark who has been putting the finishing
touches on it over the past couple of months.


Shipping the EditContext API is something that, in combination with Input
Events, is an answer to a lot of those challenges that we set out to solve
back in 2014. After multiple setbacks over the years, not the least central
parts of Input Events being removed from Chromium in the 11th hours as well
as the recent restructuring within several browser companies, it looked
doubtful whether we would get here within our lifetime.

I am positively surprised that you managed to get us here this quickly!

There is still more to be done and the Web Editing Working Group will not
shut down quite yet. One of the next challenges is seeing whether we can
get multiple implementations so that it will be possible to build
cross-platform editors that handle IMEs correctly without having to resort
to any of the many tricks that have become so popular in our industry over
the past 20-25 years.

Johannes Wilm, PhD
tel +46766922220

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2023 20:03:46 UTC