Re: [dxwg] support an indication of sharebility status (#1432)

In DCAT-AP there is the property _dcatap:availability_ defined for distributions. Having now as just published controlled vocabulary

W.r.t. accessRights, the DCAT profile for Flanders has identified that there is a difference between the accessrights to the dataset versus the accessRights to the service providing access to the data.
The first is a legal right: by law it is public data, or it has restricted access. In government context, this accessrights is connected with Public Information transparency (PSI directive etc.)  But that right to be public is not the same as for a service. A public API is a service for which no check happens to whether the user of that service has the right to access the data. This still can mean their are security and access monitoring, but solely with the purpose to have fair use of the service. E.g. to prevent DOS attacks. A non-public API is then a service where the security and access monitoring is connected with a granting system checking conditions (age/gender/profession/kind of user/...). 

Observe that these are different interpretations of access per kind of resource: The first is bound to inherit legal basis, while the second is more about the measures taken to make the service operational.
Note that for file-based access this distinction is also present in accessURL / downloadURL. The first is used when the second (no limitations) cannot be fulfilled. 



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