RE: Classes in Fig 1 in PROF

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-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Coyle <> 
Sent: Sunday, 17 March 2019 9:34 AM
Subject: Classes in Fig 1 in PROF

The non-PROF classes in Figure 1 in Prof are given the legend of "owl class". However, dct classes are defined as rdfs:Class, not owl:Class.
It may be that there is some statement somewhere in the RDF world that says that rdfs:Classes are also owl:Classes - ? And as far as I know,
xsd:datatype(s) are not classes, and of course precede RDF and OWL, yet they are in the diagram as OWL classes. In any case, it might be clearer to provide an entity-relation diagram and not a class diagram?

I note also that Fig 3, which used to be in the draft, is no longer there. If it has been removed, please add that to the list of changes in this version, which hopefully we'll discuss in plenary soon.

Karen Coyle

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Received on Monday, 18 March 2019 01:57:40 UTC