Re: [dxwg] Two things that our "profiles" are not (#976)

I have added a proposed new Use Case, which I hope helps to untangle what seem to be quite different but legitimate views of documents and specifications.

in short, we must accept that a document may contain multiple specifications - and we may treat the set of mandatory requirements as one specification and a set of suggestions as another, and have different notions of what "conformance" means for each - the first step is to recognise these are N distinct "named sets of requirements"  (I think I am persuaded to avoid "constraints" as too technical because it looks like we need to extend scope of profiles to a broader concept of specifications, which matches conneg functional requirements.)

I dont think this adds any new requirements to DCAT or Conneg, but does suggest some easy ways to describe the differences in a canonical way in the profiles vocabulary.

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Received on Thursday, 4 July 2019 23:39:16 UTC