Re: [dxwg] Two things that our "profiles" are not (#976)

@rob-metalinkage I agree, 

> a profile is a specification that has a profile role with respect to another specification. Now we need to nail what that role means functionally, and make the simplest and broadest definition we can.

The relationships tossed out as examples in are a starter for defining what the roles mean functionally (if I understand your comment!).  From the discussions so far, it seems that the defining aspect of a profile is that it has a relationship to one or more existing specifications (base specifications) that might be one of several things: 1) the specification target is the same or a specialization of the target of the base spec 2) one or more provisions are taken directly from the base spec or are restricted in some way relative to the base spec. 3) conformance to the profile implies conformance to the base spec

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Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2019 17:51:06 UTC