Re: [dxwg] prof:inheritedFrom needs more convincing case and/or example (#642)

I see that this has resulted in a commit and merge without getting further discussion from this group. Please, for topics that have been discussed make sure we arrive at a solution in the issues area before it is added to the document.

In fact, I am wondering if we shouldn't back out that merge while we continue to discuss. 

Here is the example that has been given:

Example 1: Property isInheritedFrom in use

# If Standard X, described using PROF, is given as having a Resource
# Descriptor, RS_1, with role "Full Constraints" as follows:

@prefix ex1: <> .
@prefix ex2: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix prof: <> .
@prefix role: <> .

    a dct:Standard , prof:Profile ;  # this may be a 'null' profile,
                                     # i.e. a profile of nothing, a regular Standard
    dct:title "Standard X" ;
    prof:hasResource ex1:RS_1 .

    a prof:ResourceDescriptor ;
    dct:conformsTo <> ;  # the SHACL standard
    dct:format <> ;  # the RDF Turtle format
    prof:hasRole role:fullConstraints ;      # this ResourceDescriptor is the total set of
                                             # constraints needed for validating data
                                             # against Standard X for conformance
    prof:hasArtifact ex1:constraints.ttl .

# then, a profile of Standard X, perhaps Profile Y, may use
# prof:isInheritedFrom to re-use that Resource Descriptor RS_1

    a prof:Profile ;
    dct:title "Profile Y" ;
    prof:isProfileOf ex1:Standard_X ;  # this is a profile of Standard X
    prof:hasResource [
        a prof:ResourceDescriptor ;  # RS 2 in diagram
        prof:isInheritedFrom ex1:Standard_X ;  # this Resource Descriptor is inherited from
                                               # Standard X
        dct:conformsTo <> ;  # as above
        dct:format <> ;  # as above
        prof:hasRole role:partConstraints ;  # this ResourceDescriptor is now only Part Constraints
                                             # for Profile Y as it's implementing some of its own,
                                             # additional constraints (see next Resource Descriptor)
        prof:hasArtifact ex1:constraints.ttl  # direct URI reference to ex1:RS_1's artifact
    ] ,
        a prof:ResourceDescriptor ;  # RS 3 in diagram. This is not inherited from anywhere
        dct:conformsTo <> ;
        dct:format <> ;
        # these constraints are Profile Y's on top of Standard X's
        prof:hasRole role:extensionConstraints ;  # Extension Constraints are those on top of
                                                  # another base specification's
        prof:hasArtifact ex2:extension_constraints.ttl  # a file within this Profile
    ] .

I'll comment lower down, but want to hear from @aisaac and @andrea-perego if they agree to backing this out while we discuss.

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Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 19:23:49 UTC