Re: [dxwg] Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF) [ID41] (5.41) (#275)

@aisaac Perhaps it's only a matter of style how we write definitions. One way is to say "A profile MUST have A, B and C". Another way is to say "If a resource has A, B and C, then it's a profile" (kind of indirect typing). I think I'd prefer the second one and then go on "If your resource turns out to have a profile, then it MUST have those attributes, too".

And yes, that's a discussion for later since this discussion is about this requirement's title. Perhaps "Profiles are uniquely named sets of statements about data elements, such as classes and properties, that describe how instance data is structured". That would highlight that profiles help to understand the inner structure of a (meta)data collection.

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Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 16:52:32 UTC