Re: [dxwg] Remove prof:BaseSpecification (#641)

What is the functional use case for base specification? What does it tell you that you need to know and cannot know from the profile itself? Is the need for machines or for human users?

If there is no defined action that results from base specification then I agree with @andrea-perego that we should drop it. However, I also note that there are no properties in the ontology for descriptions, documentation, etc. It would seem to me that a profile should have at least the possibility of human-readable documentation, and that documentation could explain what key vocabularies or profiles the profile is based on, if the perceived need is for human understanding not machine processing. Admittedly, one or more of the resources of a profile may provide documentation, but that is at a resource level, not a profile level. For example, there may be documentation that looks like the current DCAP-AP, but that doesn't explain the relationship between DCAT-AP and the RDF file. Documentation at the inclusive level seems to be an obvious need.

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Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2019 17:13:11 UTC