Re: ProfGui Teleconference on this week - Wed 20:00 UTC

Hi, Nick. Yes, I need the details for loggingin, but also - can you say
more about what you mean in 2.1 - the "split"? I'm not clear on what you
mean by that.

I think we should also take a few minutes to talk about the current
outline of the document [1]. My gut feeling is that although it includes
all of the requirements it is not actually complete, so we should have
an effort to fill in any remaining gaps.


On 1/6/19 5:44 PM, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
> Dear DXWG,
> The ProfGui teleconference is scheduled for this week and given the
> amount of work facing us and the time available we are definitely ON!
> The scheduled time is this Wednesday, 20:00 UTC so let’s meet then. We
> can discuss either then or via replies to this email alternate times if
> needed to better suite potential contributors.
> We have a recurring WebEx meeting and IRC, details for which have been
> previously emailed out to people privately. Please let me know if you
> are missing details so I can resend to you privately.
> Agenda for this week:
>  1. Admin
>  2. Establishing 3 Profile document timelines
>      1. Establishing Guidance/Conneg/Ontology effort split
>      2. Establishing a regime to address all Issues
> Thanks,
> Nick
> *Nicholas Car*
> /Senior Experimental Scientist/
> CSIRO Land & Water
> 41 Boggo Road, Dutton Park, QLD 4102, Australia
> *E* <> *M* 0477 560 177
> *P* 07 3833 5632

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Monday, 7 January 2019 16:34:22 UTC